
Why the Trace Metaverse is the Future

The 21st century is the age of information. We spend much of our lives at a desk, at work, or on social media. We relax in front of the television, and then sleep.

The team behind the Trace Metaverse project want to change this. We want to encourage people to get out of their homes, to visit places, and to engage with others. We want to make socialising and exploring the world around you the thing to do.

What is the Trace Metaverse, how does it work, and why do the founders call it a ‘powerful leap’ into the future? Let’s begin with a look at how we live our lives.

Trace and the Smartphone

The most-used device for communication and information gathering is the mobile phone. Today’s smartphones are powerful and versatile tools.

Gamers use smartphones to play solo, and to play against others. The Internet has changed the world in a simply colossal way.

Trace is creating an augmented reality metaverse that it aims to become an online game for the masses – but one with a difference.

Augmented reality is easier to achieve the true virtual reality, and especially more so if the player in the Trace Metaverse needs to physically go to places other than home to get into the game. How does this work?

Players create an avatar in the  Trace Metaverse. They activate the avatar for movement. Then, when they go somewhere, the avatar ‘follows’ them on a map in the metaverse.

The game is a combination of real, physical life, and an online experience that has not been seen before.

Inspiration Behind the Trace Metaverse

The first game to use geolocation was Pokémon Go, a hugely popular and successful product that still features highly in the ranks of online games. Trace took their inspiration from Pokémon Go, yet the Trace Metaverse is a very different concept.

The Trace Metaverse aims to provide income to users – we will expand on this shortly – while engaging them in various tasks.

It is no secret in the digital industry that augmented reality is fast becoming a trend and is expected to be among the biggest such in 2023. This is why Trace is pushing ahead now with the metaverse project.

Trace is an independent developer that designed and produced a geolocation platform of its own – METAFORA – and has researched the metaverse idea thoroughly. By working with leading game developer expert as well a those in the Crypto world we believe Trace Metaverse has colossal potential.

The Team Behind Trace Metaverse

The team  at Trace has more than 10 years of experience in many areas of development. These include location-based application development, augmented reality, and mapping functions.

A talented and experienced team of engineers, we believe in developing usable products that add to daily life.

Our team has experience working for major names including Intel, GameInsight, Niantic (who are the creators of Pokémon Go, plus Wargaming, Kama Games, and Yandex. We are now developing the application that will enable Trace Metaverse to become reality.

A Unique Experience

The Trace Metaverse is based around travel, yet a player does not need a car to be involved. We intend the game to encourage people to consider the environment. We want to promote the use of electric cars, for example, which are less polluting than the standard ICE models.

We have many unique and innovative ideas under development. Players will be able to choose their own NFT (Non-fungible token) car from our pool of vehicles. This will be their mode of transport in the metaverse.

By travelling the user will gain points – ACE points – and earn. They can upgrade their vehicle, improve their parameters, and buy parts. By doing so, they can move up to the next level and earn more.

However, as vehicles may be physically involved in the game itself, Trace has been careful to concentrate on safety elements. The Driver-to-Earn mode, when activated, will always send the player a message not to be distracted when on the road.

As using a mobile handset is illegal in many countries when behind the wheel, we have built this safety feature to ensure players do not endanger their lives or that of others and avoid traffic violations.

Brand Collaboration

Trace sees the metaverse as attracting a huge number of players. We see the ‘Play to Earn’ gaming sector as promising major growth in a relatively short time. To help capture the audience we have in place a partnership with the Polygon blockchain, a major player in the crypto market.

In addition to a massive user base, we also plan to work with brands in offering the Trace Metaverse as a marketing tool.

We will be selling ‘plots’ in the metaverse to brands who can use them for various marketing ploys. For example, a coffee shop chain could buy the plots in the metaverse where their outlets are physically located.

They then market the plot to attract visitors. Visitors must physically reach a certain short distance from the actual coffee shop to gain benefits in the game.

Clearly there are great potential benefits for existing and upcoming brands to reach a large audience in the Trace Metaverse.

How Players Earn Money

The concept of the Trace Metaverse may be a massive and complex one, yet the game itself will present very real ways for players to earn money. Revenue for Trace will be from in-app purchases and advertising, collaborations with brands, and commissions.

The revenue will be distributed across rewards, tokens, and the development of the metaverse. The utility token we have named ACE, and it is unlimited. However, the management token – TRC -is limited to 5 billion issues.

As players advance in the metaverse they earn tokens, which they can then sell and get the revenue. It is an ongoing game that will hold the attention of the player and will reshape the way they live their lives.

Where Trace Metaverse will Launch
Trace has decided on two core markets: India, and Brazil. In India we will be represented by Abhudoy Das, a highly experienced specialist with the right connections. India is currently experiencing growth in the crypto market and has some very impressive people behind it.

Trace is currently looking for advisers in the Brazilian market, and we are confident the Trace Metaverse will be a success for all involved.

About the author

Ihesiulo Grace

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