
APC group faults proceedings of Bayelsa Governorship Election Petition Tribunal

By Tunde Opalana

A group, Coalition of Civil Society for Democracy, Justice and Good Governance, has decried and faulted proceedings at the Bayelsa Governorship Election Petition Tribunal, sitting in Abuja.

Speaking with newsmen in Abuja on Sunday, the group’s secretary Comrade Frank Ibitonbo, stated that the PDP, and it’s candidate, only produced two witnesses throughout the entire hearing.
We are in a democracy, and we expect nothing less.Every petitioner deserves fair hearing.

The scribe said ‘the APC, and it’s candidate had lined up 234 witnesses, and wanted to present a minimum of at least 25 per day. Which is their constitutional right, but were denied the right to present all witnesses, allowing only 49, out of the 234 witnesses it has lined up, to prove its case.

“The manner in which the APC and their candidate were hurriedly trumped upon, to present just 49 witnesses within just 7 days, speaks volumes and showed the lack of fairness”.

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In the same vein, the publicity secretary of the coalition, Lawal Mohammed, has chided the tribunal.

He said ” the PDP produced just 2 witnesses, which they (witnesses) were not even in the fields, but were brought to local government collation centers. Also, INEC, could not present witnesses to prove the PDP won.

_They, rather relied on, and tendered scathing evidentiary documents extracted from their server and, IRev portal. In fact, local governments of Sagbama, Ekeremor, Ogbia,and Kokoloma had some of the highest incidence of BVAS bypass. Witnesses are abound on BVAS bypass. Because, records from results sheets showed, the number of accredited voters, always outnumber total votes counted”.

Lawan continued, “the November 11, off-cycle elections in Bayelsa, has come and gone, but left a sour taste on democracy. Contrary to claims by INEC, elections were actually held in local governments of Southern Ijaw, Nembe, and Ogbia. But curiously, INEC and PDP refused to accept results from these local governments, which did not only disenfranchised thousands of voters, it had robbed the APC candidate in the election”.

He concluded that, “democracy works well with a an unbiased and refined judiciary. In the past months, lower courts in the country, especially those handling election petitions matters had come under severe criticism. We had expected departure from the past. The Bayelsa Election Petition Tribunal, under Honourable Justice Adekunke Adeleye, must uphold the principle of fairness and justice.

“As a coalition of civil society following proceedings in the Tribunal, we, to say the least, expect more from the Tribunal. A lot of complaints and evidence of BVAS bypass in the aforementioned local governments must not be swept under the carpet. The complicity of INEC in this matter must not be shielded”.

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