
NNPP debunks Senator Jika’s claim of distability in Bauchi


…says party bigger than individual

The New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) is not disarrayed in Bauchi State as claimed by a chieftain, Senator Halliru Dauda Jika, the party has declared.

The party said the defection of a few members does not tender the party ineffective in the state as claimed by the former senator.

Senator Jika had in a statement last week said that all NNPP executive members in the state are dumping the party to join the All Progressive Congress (APC).

But reacting, the Bauchi State chapter of NNPP said the statement credited to the governorship candidate of the party in the 2023 elections, was untrue and not actual reflection of situation of the party in Bauchi.

Publicity Secretary of NNPP in the state, Ahmed Aminu, faulted Jika’s statement that the chairman of the party, Shehu Sani, and other chieftains of the party have joined APC.

He accused the former federal lawmaker as trying to suppress the truth about Bauchi NNPP.

Aminu a statement yesterday said “the NNPP, Bauchi State chapter, wishes to draw the attention of the general public to the recent proclamations made by our gubernatorial candidate on 26th September 2023, at the National Headquarters, Abuja.

“This announcement was not true and it does not reflect the true position on ground. It may be a slip of the tongue and in that respect, we wish to unequivocally state our position that the party structure at all levels remains intact, with our serving member of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, even though a few members have decided to join the gubernatorial candidate,” he emphasised.

Rallying the support of members for the leadership of the presidential candidate of the party, he said “we, however, wish to affirm our membership, support, and loyalty to our great party, NNPP, including its leadership as well as the leader of the party, His Excellency, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso.”

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He added that “we also promise to work tirelessly to ensure the success of our great party. We regret the resignation of some of our members who made their contributions to the achievements of our party and we wish them the very best.

He stressed that the party is bigger than individuals, saying: “The announcement made by some members cannot be taken as a unanimous decision as the great majority have decided to remain in the party.”

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