When your relationship go brutal!!! Walk away

Do not stay in the relationship because you don’t want your friends to laugh at you, you will only endanger your life in the process. If you make the mistake of getting married to such a man then my dear you in for a bigger trouble.

How do you know it’s time to walk away from a brutal relationship? Here are some of the signs to show you that it’s time to take a walk: You fight constantly: Fighting in relationships is a natural in relationships. But if you guys are constantly bickering and arguing or, more important, every fight you have turns nasty, it’s a sign to walk away.

He thinks you are not good for him anymore: There is no relationship without challenges, but there’s a very big difference between feeling inspired to be a better you and feeling inadequate in that relationship, and that can be hard to spot at first. But if the guy is making you feel insecure and irrelevant, get out now.
He’s always hurting your feelings: When you started off with your partner, you both had a blossom relationship but now he sees you as a threat in his life, he does everything possible to make sure you cry, all he’s trying to do is to get you out of his life. If you are facing such a situation, it’s time to move out from such relationship.
He uses you as his punching bag: A woman is seen as a helper to a man and not as a punching bag. A responsible man will never lay his hands on his lady. So my dear, if a guy beats you up at the slightest provocation, please run away from him. Do not stay thinking he will change as time goes on, because he will never change. The attitude he displays during your courtship is what he will take into marriage.
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