
Saint Obi: Here is why Bob Manuel is angry with Nollywood colleagues

Saint Obi

Veteran actor Bob Manuel Udokwu has come out to lament and condemn the conduct of his fellow Nollywood colleagues who were visibly absent at the funeral of their demised colleague and friend, Saint Obi.

Writing on Ogidi Creative Forum, a social media platform, the actor cum politician expressed his utter anger thus: “Obinna Nwafor aka Saint Obi was no doubt one of the leading celebrities in Nollywood – the multi billion dollar Nigerian film industry.

He etched his name firmly in the industry by playing several leading roles in his active years .He was an enigma both in life and death

“Saint Obi was laid to rest in his hometown Umuezealaeze literally meaning “King’s children of the kingdom”, Alaenyi – “Elephant Town, Ogwa in Mbaitolu Local Government Area, Imo State on Friday, August 18, 2023.

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The event was well attended by people from all walks of life. I looked around the crowd for our Nollywood colleagues and found none!

“Nollywood completely turned its back on Saint Obi in death! From the church service held in front of his palatial country home to his burial inside his large compound, Nollywood industry people were not there, not even those from his home state of Imo! I eventually sighted only Charles Awurum.

No film marketer was there. I didn’t see any film producer or director at Saint Obi’s burial. Even veteran directors who claim to have made Saint Obi a star were not there!”

Meanwhile President of Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, and the spokesperson, Monalisa Chinda are yet to offer explanations.

Does it have to do with the absence of thank-you-for-coming envelops at funerals?

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