Ex-CIBN president, Aina, heads global banking board

Past President, Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), Dr. Lawrence Olusegun Aina, OFR, has been elected the pioneer Chairman of the Global Banking Education Standards Board (GBESB).
The institute said that this in line with its vision, mandate and strategic plan to be a global reference point for professionalism and ethics in the banking and finance industry.
The professional body for bankers in the country noted in a statement that Aina emerged as the chairman after the election conducted at the Joint meeting of the Global Council and Task force of GBEStB coordinated by CIBN National Secretariat which held recently in ….
The GBESB is a voluntary, industry-led initiative founded with the aims and objectives to develop clear internationally-agreed standards for the education of Professional Bankers worldwide, develop and publish global education standards for banking Institute and similar bodies, promote and disseminate global education standards for banking institutes, and facilitating the sharing of global best practice in banking education between banking institutes regulators and other Stakeholders.
The board, which was inaugurated in April 2017 during the World Conference of Banking Institutes (WCBI) hosted by CIBN is one of the initiatives to build and sustain high ethical and professional standards in the global banking industry and to provide agreed international standards for the professional education and training of bankers.
Dr. Aina, a Fellow of the Institute, and thorough-bred banker and quintessential administrator, would be leading the global council for the next two years. The council, which comprises twenty-six founder member Institutes/bodies from various countries is to drive the standards of banking education across the globe.
As the pioneer chairman,. he would be supported by three distinguished Vice-Chairmen – Mr. Simon Thompson, Chief Executive, Chartered Banker Institute, Scotland; Ms. Carrie Leung, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and; Mr Anthony Yaw Oppong, Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana.
The new GBEStB Chairman is a product of Universities of Lagos and Ibadan where he bagged Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Masters of Science in Banking and Finance respectively.
He holds a number of professional qualifications notable among which are Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of London (ACIB); A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers, (FCIB), London and Nigeria; Fellow, Nigeria Institute of Management (FNIM) and; Fellow, Institute of Directors (FIOD). He also received executive management education at the Lagos Business School, Nigeria; INSEAD, France and IMD, Switzerland.
Motolani Oseni