
E-PPAN beckons stakeholders to discuss big data analytics in combating payment fraud

The Electronic Payment Providers Association of Nigeria (E-PPAN) has beckoned on stakeholders for discussions at the 8th annual payment systems and fraud conference which will focus on ‘Leveraging Big Data Analytics in Combating Payment Fraud’.

The Annual Payment System and Fraud Conference which is E-PPAN’s veritable rallying ground for the financial industry and its ally to deliberate on payment systems and fraud knowledge in Nigeria, holds on the 7th November, 2017 at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos-Nigeria.

The event brings together senior level officers of the FinTech, telcos, banking, regulatory bodies and public offices to brainstorm on the latest trends in electronic payment innovations and learn winning strategies to manage risks and prevent fraud.

E-PPAN hosts the event this year in partnership with key stakeholders in the industry such as: Central Bank of Nigeria, Police Special Fraud Unit, Nigeria Electronic Fraud Forum (NeFF),

Committee of e-Banking Industry Head (CeBIH), Committee of Chief Compliance Officers of Banks In Nigeria (CCCOBIN), Information Security Society of Africa-Nigeria (ISSAN) and the Association of Chief Audit Executives of Bank in Nigeria (ACAEBIN).

A statement from E-PPAN reads: “The objectives for this year’s conference are to: Come up with new and proactive ways of fighting against fraud using Data Analytics;

Leverage on the use of Data Analytics in an industry collaborative approach to manage and prevent electronic fraud; Set agenda for government and other key stakeholders on the need to synchronize various silos of data to help manage the Nigerian payment landscape”.

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