What to avoid during your 20s or regret in your 30s
By Mutiat Alli
One Think twice before you act and react. Insincerity will haunt you well into your 30s and beyond.
People will judge you on your character and actions, some of which they might deem unforgivable.
Make these wise words by Lawrence J. Peter your daily affirmation: ‘Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret.’
2wo Save and spend wisely. Put aside a fixed amount of money to safely stash away in your savings account, each and every month.
Resist the urge to take money out of your savings or the temptation to miss a monthly payment.
3hree Say yes. Try new (legal and safe) experiences.
4our Master the art of letting go. Don’t feel sad about letting go of friendships. Stay away from friends who try to steer you off the right track.
You want to surround yourself with fun-loving people who are also motivated, hardworking and ambitious.
After all, you are the company you keep. Most importantly, choose platonic and romantic relationships that build your self-esteem, rather than bring you down.
5ive (Pics: Glass cup of water) Preserve your youth. Get into the habit of taking care of your skin, inside and out. Keep skin hydrated by drinking up to three liters of water per day and moisturizing daily. Prevention is better than cure.
6ix (Pics: Fruits) Start making healthy choices. Make healthy eating and regular exercise part of your weekly routine.
By the time you reach your 30s, your metabolism will start to slow down. All the fast food and junk food you eat will begin to show and will be harder to shift.
7even Career experiment. Stop worrying about how you’ll be a success later on in life. Instead try out different career paths until you discover the right career for you; then stay focused and make a career plan to get as high up the ladder as possible.
Don’t shy away from starting small and starting from the bottom up. ‘Running is not the same as reaching your destination.
The race is not [always] to the swift.’ – Swahili proverb 8ight Safety before pleasure.
Be knowledgeable about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases.
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Be sure to always stay protected. Never stay in a relationship that is going nowhere. Respect and value yourself.
Get to know the opposite sex as friends first before embarking on a relationship.
End each and every romantic (and platonic) relationship on good terms. There’s nothing worse than having a dark cloud of past failed relationships hanging over your head, as it will most likely interfere with new relationships.