
Why women should avoid breast, buttocks enlargement -Titilayo Ogunji


UK-based Titilayo Ogunji, who still looks ravishing at 60 is the founder of Amazing Ladies International Club, uniting Nigerian women at home and abroad. In this interview with ADA DIKE, she talks about women empowerment, fashion, trends and Nigerian celebrities.

Many Nigerians are relocating abroad in large number. What can be done to minimise the high rate of emigration?

Minimising the rate at which Nigerians relocate abroad has to do with the government.

They have to look into it by providing more jobs for Nigerians. They should assist them to do business by giving them loans. Government should ensure that her citizens live a better life.

Government and private companies should pay their employees’ salaries on time the way it is done abroad. If Nigerians have something doing in Nigeria, what are they looking for abroad?

Things are not working the way it should in Nigeria, that is why people are selling their houses and relocating abroad. I heard some people sold their houses to get visa and ticket to relocate abroad.

Can you imagine that! We are working abroad and returning to Nigeria to invest our money while some people are selling their investments to leave Nigeria. This shows that things are not normal in Nigeria.

What do you miss about Nigeria?

There is no place like home, I love my country.

What is your advice to Nigerian women?

Nigerian women should look after themselves, their children and their husbands. They should not turn themselves to slaves for men. They should have jobs or businesses they are doing. They should be financially independent. When they respect themselves, men will give them respect.

You founded a women organisation known as Amazing Ladies International Club AMIC). What is it all about and what are the criteria for joining the organisation?

The aims and objectives of Amazing Ladies International Club, among others include: to promote love, unity, equity and justice. To help one another in times of needs and to assist the less privileged people in the society. Part of criteria for joining the club include: You must be a woman. You must have a job or business you are doing so that you will be able to pay our contributions. Location is no barrier. Minimum age is 25 years.

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Is the organisation only meant for Nigerian women in Nigeria?

No it’s for both Nigerians and people in Diaspora. We have many members in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. We normally have virtual meeting once in a month. We also meet physically during occasions like graduation, wedding, house warming, birthday, and burials.

What challenges do you face in handling women?

They are a lot of challenges in handling women. I do face some challenges because, since they came from different backgrounds, they are expected to behave differently. I use prayer and wisdom to handle them. Women are so difficult to deal with, but with God and the little wisdom I have, I am coping well in discharging my duty as the founder of the club.

Where do you expect the organization to be in the next five years?

I strive to ensure that Amazing Ladies International Club have global recognition as it’s growing faster.

How do you feel about turning 60?

Being 60 on this amazing earth is something to be grateful to God for because it’s not easy, but only by God’s grace; so many ups and down but I will forever be grateful to God who has been my strength.

You got married last April. Was it your first marriage?

No, it’s not my first marriage but I am happy to have met an amazing man who makes life so interesting for me.

What attracted your husband to you?

I can say it was love at first sight. He loves me and said he loves everything about me. He told me that he knew I was a good person. He said he knew I am good for him. So, I said yes, and we got married in April this year.

Can you describe your husband in few words?

My husband is a gentle man. He is a principled and loving man. I love him because of his wisdom. He is very humble, nice and generous.

What is the secret of your youthful look?

Accepting things the way they are, no room for envy in my heart, and love for anyone that comes in contact with me.

Can you share your beauty routine with us?

I give myself peace of mind. I don’t like fighting. I don’t keep malice. I make sure I take multivitamins. I sleep a lot. I give myself rest.

What kind of fashion or beauty routine should women minimise using?

Women should minimise having surgery. Why should a woman want to enlarge her breasts or bottom? I think it is not the best fashion. Women should maintain their body by using nice organic cream, eat good foods, take their multivitamins, and make themselves look nice.

Can you tell us your most treasured possession?

I will say my children and my grandchildren. I cherish them a lot.

Do you have any regrets?

Life comes with its own package and everything that comes with it is to teach us something and make us stronger in life.

Give us an insight to your background?

I am from a polygamous home. My mother had three children and she’s the eldest wife. My father’s other wife had six children. We are nine in all. I am the eldest of all. I went to Mary Immaculate Grammar School, Ado Ekiti. After that, I went to Adeyemi College of Education. I later proceeded to Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, where I obtained my first degree.

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Ihesiulo Grace

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