The equities market segment of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Thursday continued on a downward trend as investors’ investment declined by N112 billion on the back of sell-offs in high capitalised stocks. The All Share Index (ASI) decreased by 229.18 absolute points, representing a
Motolani Oseni Again, the equities market of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Thursday reacted positively to the outcome of the election tribunal ruling for the second consecutive day, as market capitalisation rose by N142 billion to close at N13.351 trillion against N13.209 trillion closed the previous day. Similarly, the All Share Index rose by […]
Motolani Oseni Due to persistent sell pressure, equities market of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) continued its bearish movement to lose N28billion at the close of Monday trading activities. The stock market benchmark index, NSE All Share Index (ASI) dropped by 56.73 basis points or 1.25 per cent close the week at 28,847.81 basis points […]
Motolani Oseni The equities market segment of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) commenced trading in September on positive note with a marginal growth of 0.14 per cent, which translated to investors’ gain of N19 billion. Specifically, the All Share Index (ASI) rose by 39.28 points or 0.14 per cent to 27,565.09 points. Accordingly, investors gained […]