Spice up your home with loveable curtains

Do you know that curtains are the very vital details in the room; whether it is bedroom, kitchen or living room?
Curtains are among the first details which add a dramatic focal point when you enter a room or home; there are nearly twenty different styles of curtains, draperies and blinds which can be used in window treatment. A curtain usually makes room look warm and creates a pleasant atmosphere and on the other side they are incredible room décor.
What then do you want for window coverings? Most people think of shades or blinds for household but could your windows accommodate floor length curtains? This is another fun way to make your home feel a lot less like an ordinary apartment and more like a lounge. This may come in different designs ranging from the pleated blind to vertical blind and Venetian as the case may be depending on your taste.
Usage of window covers and Blinds
· To manage sunlight
· To provide additional weatherproofing
· To ensure privacy
· For purely decorative purposes
· For security
Types of window blind
· Vertical Blind: Unlike horizontal blinds, vertical blinds are less likely to collect dust because they stand vertically. Since they draw to the side rather than lifting and lowering, they operate better on doors and windows that also slide from side to side. Generally they require less muscle strength, and are faster to operate.
· Persian or slat Blind: which consist of many horizontal slats, usually of metal or vinyl, connected with string such that they can be rotated to allow light to pass between the slats, rotated up to about 170 degrees to hide the light, or pulled up so that the entire window is clear
· Venetian Blind: Venetian blind has horizontal slats, one above another. Venetian blinds are basic slatted blinds made of metal or plastic
Roller Solar Blind: Solar shades offer light-dimming options great for open living spaces and also help protect the room from harmful UV rays. Thee styles usually roll up instead of using a rope to pull them up. Some roller shades are on rollers and move from side to side instead of up and down.
However, Blinds can be made in a variety of materials, some expensive, and some less so. Cheaper blinds are usually made in vinyl, polyester, aluminium, or PVC. These are inexpensive materials that are all easily accessible and durable at the same time.
Types of curtain
· Flat panel curtains: This are the easiest and the versatile curtains, where just pieces of fabric are boarded on all four edges and hung from the decorating curtains poles with a clip-on rings.
Tab Top curtains are made with narrow straps that loop or tie at the top edge, which are threaded through poles for curtains. This curtain style is often designed as two stationary panels at the sides of a window.
Grommet Curtains are the type of curtains where the rings are inserted into a hole- hem which hangs from the curtain poles. These curtains can be made with small grommet as well as large grommets.
Sash curtains are mostly sheer fabric material used to cover the lower sash of the windows Rod Pocket are the stylish and easy to sew curtains, where stitched pocket at the top of the curtain is shirred onto a curtain rod.
· Thermal or Blackout curtains: use very tightly woven fabric, usually in multiple layers. They not only block the lights, but also serve as an acoustic controller
Hence, fabrics used make the difference to the curtains style. When working with any of these types of curtain styles, ensure to measure the windows dimension and determine the length of the curtain.
Mutiat Alli