Solemzo Set To Release E.P In Nov

Music Artiste, Solemzo is set to storm the music industry with an Extended Play (E.P).
The E.P which will be released in November, comprises of several songs which epitomizes the versatility and depth of the the musician.
Solomon Ehigiator Ogbeide (his real name) with the stage name, Solemzo had only released one song this year. His. E.P will allow his fans to have an entry into his creative process.
His name is inspired by tbe word, Solemn because of his soft voice. Speaking about this , the musician said, ” I have always loved to sing and capture my listeners with my soft and solemn ways of singing.
“I have been doing music professionally for almost a decade and one thing I have learnt is to keep dropping songs and don’t listen to many people for advice on your own music. I believe music is what you feel so why should someone know how you feel to advice you on your own music”.
Speaking on his unique selling point, the singer said he does not sound like anyone as he has a unique style, ” and now that I am consistent with my music the world will hear about me soon”.