From the way they speak, act and conduct themselves during elections, election observer groups from the West are gradually becoming the new face of neo-colonialism confronting developing countries, many seem to wonder. These groups swarm developing countries at elections, ostensibly to monitor
His vision at the Senate was to “seek the welfare of the people – especially the weakest and the poorest – by promoting people-oriented projects.” It was also to take parliamentary positions which would “enthrone and sustain a truly democratic and transparent polity founded on strict compliance with the constitution and be held accountable by […]
We read with a hint of derision and dismay a threat issued by some Abuja based jobless women that they would go naked if the APC candidate, Hajiya loses the re-run slated for April 25th. These women, if they really exist, cannot be citizens of Taraba state and do not represent the views of women […]
On the subject of Easter we are confronted by the facts (scriptural position) and the FALLACIES (the traditions of the church). The facts of the scriptures represents the Spirit of Truth (Christ) while the fallacies of church traditions represents the Spirit of Error (Devil). Truth will give life because of the potency and power to […]
Any angel who descends low enough to consume amala and ewedu has no right under heaven to feel too high to fart — or pass feaces. However, when such supposedly spiritual beings begin to share in our corporeal joys, we mortals have every right to re-scrutinise their credentials. This we shall do . Who really […]
December 30, 2014, will go down in the memory of all Nigerians as the day the fine principles on which the country had hitherto built its foreign policy bit the dust. In bewilderment, we now wonder what our new foreign policy is, or would be, or if there is going to be any at all. […]
The victory of Buhari at the polls has elicited various kinds of celebrations from admirers of APC who believe change has come. Ranging from broom-clad streets, cars and motor bikes to accolades and well carved speeches on social media and in the national dallies. One celebration sure takes the cake. I am excited about the […]
It was my friend Oyetoro Oluwaseyi in one of his write ups that said “we are in a country where we politicise everything that happens to us. If water is running on a daily basis in APC’s bathroom, PDP is at fault- they are wasting our resources, if water is not running at all in […]
A prominent feature of colonised people is the washing away of their important identities in the course of time. Even their selfbelief. Identity has much more to do with the intangible attributes of a people than with only their facial or personality peculiarities. Identity cuts deeper into the root and essence of a people. By […]
T he absence of a government in a nation will lead to an anarchic situation as some people will tyrannise and oppress others for sundry reasons. Government performs many functions: the protection of lives and property, provision of social amenities, formulation and implementation of policies among others. The existence of governments dates back many centuries […]
A s the dust raised by the 2015 general election is gradually settling down, it is essential to begin taking stock of certain issues and events that characterised the elections. Since the return of the country to democracy in 1999, no election has generated so much fretfulness and tension like the 2015 elections. Many soothsayers […]
The latest bout of xenophobic attacks in South Africa has once more proved how difficult it is for the African countries to be integrated into one economy, a major goal of the African Union (AU). Recall that as at April 14, no fewer than five persons were killed in the renewed xenophobic attacks in South […]
On a sunny afternoon, I was sitting in my office doing my official assignment. There was power failure and I engaged myself in manual fanning to cool the heat but all to no avail. Suddenly, semi-darkness fell all over the place. I rushed out to behold the scene. What did I see? The once sunny […]
I sat on the floor of my son’s room, in tears. It was supposed to be a good day because I had invested resources in an election that meant a lot to me, and the numbers coming in meant change – electoral defeat of the incumbent President – was certain. “This is just the beginning […]
After a long time of persistent unsavoury news about Nigeria around the world; the recently concluded presidential elections gave the country a phenomenal upward push amongst civilised nations. Nigerians unequivocally demonstrated their political maturity and markedly improved penchant for rational, logical and civilised post election deportment; a far departure from
At first it seemed that the transition was one made in heaven, all for the progress for Anambra they claimed,in their manner Dim Ojukwu in his grave had ordained it, Bianca and Victor Umeh had endorsed it, it was for the people of Anambra to buy into it. No expense was spared, billions of Naira […]
When Boko Haram attacked a school in the town of Chibok, in northeastern Nigeria, kidnapping more than 200 girls, on the night of April 14, 2014, the people of my country were aghast. Across the world, millions of people joined them in asking: How was it possible for this terrorist group to act with such […]
After a long time of persistent unsavoury news about Nigeria around the world; the recently concluded presidential elections gave the country a phenomenal upward push amongst civilised nations. Nigerians unequivocally demonstrated their political maturity and markedly improved penchant for rational, logical and civilised post election deportment; a far departure from
A t first it seemed that the transition was one made in heaven, all for the progress for Anambra they claimed,in their manner Dim Ojukwu in his grave had ordained it, Bianca and Victor Umeh had endorsed it, it was for the people of Anambra to buy into it. No expense was spared, billions of […]
Tears dripped from my eyes as I watched President Goodluck Jonathan’s nationally televised address. His speech was short but momentous. He conceded defeat, and accepted the electoral victory of his political opponent, Muhammadu Buhari. In the lawless and unprincipled milieu of Nigerian politics, that concession of defeat by an incumbent president was unparalleled,