Ray Ekpu joins Daily Times as Editorial Board adviser

A seasoned journalist and a veritable wordsmith Mr Ray Ekpu has been appointed an adviser to the Editorial Board of the Daily Times.
He is bringing to the board his rich experience in journalism that spans over 40 years.
Ekpu, a renowned editor and columnist, has held top managerial positions in different media organisations. At different times he was a features editor of Nigerian Chronicle, Acting Editor, Sunday Chronicle, and Editor, Nigerian Chronicle.
He was also Editor, Sunday Times, Editor, Business Times, and Chairman, Editorial Board of Concord Newspapers.
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In the 1980s, Ekpu and his colleagues extended the frontiers of journalism through their setting up of the Newswatch Magazine. He was Executive Editor, Newswatch Magazine where he rose to become Editor-in-chief and Chief Executive.
Ekpu who holds BA and M.Sc attended the University of Lagos and Indiana State University.He has been a columnist to major newspapers.