
Politicians from dissolved Thai opposition party form new one

Politicians from a popular Thai opposition party that was disbanded last month have registered for a new political party as they vow to continue pushing for liberal ideas.

The new Move Forward Party consists of 54 politicians from the former Future Forward Party who officially registered and voted in a new leader on Saturday.

“The Move Forward Party is the second chapter of the Future Forward Party,” Pita Limjaroenrat, the new party’s leader said on Saturday.

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Thailand’s Constitutional Court ruled to dissolve the popular Future Forward Party on Feb. 21 and ban its executive members from politics for 10 years in a widely criticised move seen as politically motivated.

The court ruling had sparked student-led political demonstrations in many major universities across the country as well as in some schools.


The Future Forward Party had advocated liberal ideas and was outspoken in its disdain for Thailand’s ruling military-aligned establishment which has held power since a coup in 2014 toppled an elected government.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha led the coup and retained his seat after an election in March last year was held under new electoral rules his junta had introduced.

“The Move Forward Party will stand for democracy and oppose the system of coups,” he said.

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