
Pirate Radio: Buck Up, NBC

The existence of a pirate radio, Radio Chanji, whose signals have for some time now been beamed across some northern states apart from being a national embarrassment, has once again shown the extent some Nigerians and their foreign collaborators are willing to go in subverting the laws of the land for personal purposes.
Last week, the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) confirmed the existence of the illegal broadcast outfit which broadcasts in Hausa from undisclosed locations and operates with 500kw transmitters on 11720 kHz on the 25 meter band shortwave.
The existence of the pirate radio which was brought to the limelight by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) last week, has no doubt, further pitted the party against the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) with the former accusing the latter of being behind the radio and planning to use it to announce false results after the elections are held, incite their supporters to kill as well as subvert the government.
Though the APC has distanced itself from the pirate radio, many commend the PDP for drawing the attention of Nigerians to the illegal broadcast outfit, whose mission, many allege, remains suspect.
But while the PDP and APC are free to trade words over the pirate radio, the NBC whose core mandate is to regulate and monitor broadcasting in Nigeria has not got such luxury. It should with the assistance of security agencies quickly unravel the sponsors of the radio and permanently put it off air. Those behind the radio should also be prosecuted for violating the laws of the land and embarrassing the nation.

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