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OFFA Poly students protest against SUG election

Students of Offa Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, on Tuesday, took to the streets of the ancient town to protest against alleged plan to substitute the winner of the institution’s Students Union Government (SUG) with another candidate.

The protesting students blocked the highway opposite the school gate thus distrupting free flow of traffic.

It would be recalled that an SUG election was held earlier on, on July 13 for the 2016/2017 session.

The candidate who was said to have won the election, Comrade Akanbi Quadri a.k.a Aquab of the Liberation Movement, was allegedly declared having problem with his result, which accordingly, might disqualify him from being the next SUG president.

Investigation revealed that the said candidate had made efforts to do the necessary things to resolve the alleged problems.

Meanwhile, a stakeholders meeting was said to have been held on Monday between the school’s management and the two leading movements – Reformation Movement and Liberation Movement – to decide on the appropriate steps needed to be taken in order to ensure a qualified SUG president emerged.

However, on Tuesday morning, there was a deviation from the normal activities on the school’s mini-campus, when students shut the school’s gate.

There was also a blockage of the federal road in front of the school’s gate by the students demonstrating, which stalled movements of vehicles along the road.

Some of the students were seen carrying placards with various inscriptions demanding for justice in the election.



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