
Nigeria will regroup when there’ll be no more money to share! – Bakare


“Winning election in Nigeria is one thing; governing is another kettle of fish. As far as National Assembly is concerned, let me share my thoughts with you,” began fiery founder of the Latter Rain Assembly and convener of Save Nigeria Group, SNG, Pastor Tunde Bakare on Sunday, following his hour-long broadcast on the state-of-the-nation.

“When there’s no more money to share – and we don’t have more than between now and April before these things will begin to be glaring even to the blind, (they will return to the table and think again), because if we can’t get loan from anywhere and there’s no way to sustain it (the system-jamboree), a Constitution that will not bend will break.

“It’s nothing but enlightened self-interest for our nation to regroup now – and it can be done. We’ve documented it, and we’ve seen it: Look, we won’t talk about that which we have not seen, heard, or handled.

“You may ask: Will this government do it? I pray so – and I hope so. But that it will not be done? Forget it: it has to be done for us to make progress. To be honest with you, I put them on the same pedestrian pari pasu, the council of corruption and this huge drain pipe are hindering the growth and development of Nigeria. What goes into recurrent expenditure is not more than has been stolen by corruption; that’s why I said surgery is better than tragedy and we cannot continue to treat cancer with Panadol.”

Comparing Buhari’s administration with that of Moses and Joshua, Pastor Bakare painted graphic picture of the similarity between the two thus:

 “There are people who believe that Moses did not get to the Promised Land, that’s not accurate. He got there, divided the land for two-and-half tribes; but because he was representing the Law, he did not cross Jordan.

“But look at the tremendous work he had done; the generation that crossed would not have been able to cross if they had not been properly mentored and tutored by him. He inaugurated Joshua, therefore Joshua is an extension of the ministry of Moses. As far as God is concerned, His plan and purposes are continua.

“I trust that God will give him life, provided he stays within the precinct of destiny and purpose for our nation.”

A man who had tried three times to get into power and had failed for whatever reason; on the fourth occasion he got there. Believe me, I do not think he’s looking for money or fame now: this is the time to roll up our sleeves.”

Lee Kaun Yeu; if they just raise even an allegation of corruption he’ll just ask the officer to step down first and foremost. So it cannot be business as usual if you’re going to get Nigeria out of the clutches of the cancer of corruption. God is the Author of life, nobody can determine how long anybody lives; my prayer for him (Buhari) is that he stays in good health and fulfill purpose and leave the place better than he met it so that the next person that will come – because somebody else must come – will carry on and continue to go on until we get to a place called Great.

Personal relationship with PMB

I learnt a great lesson from a man called Billy Graham. He said, “The things you discuss with men in authority are not meant for public consumption”; but you can be rest assured that, faithful are the wounds of a friend. If I believe this is the way to go and I stood by it and I’ve not changed my position over the years, somehow, one day, we’re going to remain friends; what I carry and what he carries must shake hands.

But as far as his disposition is – whether he’s passionate or not, they are private things and I will not throw them outside, and as you know, the President has not appointed me as his spokesperson.

On Southern Kaduna bloodbath

When Bakare’s close relationship with the Kaduna State Governor, Mallam el-Rufai was also weighed against the backdrop of bloodbath in the Southern area of the state, the cleric revealed he has made moves the public is not aware of.

“I did not only pay a visit to Kafanchan physically, I went there to meet with their elders and, in December, I also, by the grace of God, arranged a meeting between the elders of Kafanchan and the Governor in the governor’s office in Kaduna.

“I can assure you that peace will return to Southern Kaduna; the bloodletting will stop. And right now, they have posted two battalion of solders there to stay in the forest where these men that have been attacking them have been coming through. Moreso, there are some other things I know (I cannot tell you now) that makes me say, peace will return there, so let me just leave it there,” Bakare said.

The cleric also acknowledged that the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, may have their position, even so the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria may have theirs, and assured that “all things will work together for the good of our country, especially Kaduna State.”


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