
New Zealanders to commemorate Anzac Day from outside homes

Despite the country being in lockdown and official Anzac Day services cancelled, New Zealanders are being called to honour the day by “Standing at Dawn” at their homes this year.

The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association (RNZRSA) and the New Zealand Defence Force have asked the country to stand at the end of their driveways at dawn on April 25 for a minute’s silence to remember those who gave their lives for the country.

“This is a time to pay respect and acknowledge the many thousands of our military people who are serving or have served, who are called upon to support New Zealand in times of war, conflict and disasters,” a statement from the RSA said.

For the first time in history, public Anzac services are unable to go ahead due to the country’s strict measures to combat coronavirus.

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“Wherever you are in the world, stand with us and take a moment to remember our fallen, but please stay within your ‘bubble’,” the statement said.

National Party leader Simon Bridges has endorsed the gesture, as long as people can maintain physical distancing.

“It’s just one way as a country we can show how united and strong we are, despite the current circumstances,” Bridges said. (dpa)

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