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Natural Remedies for promoting hair growth

Ever felt like your hair is not growing and flourishing the way you want it to?, then this piece is for you.

With the cost of things on the increase daily ranging from food stuffs to clothes and even beauty products, you tend to find out that there is not enough time or money to take care of your hair and buy the most expensive and effective hair treatments.

Well, there is good news for you as you don’t have to look too far or spend too much to achieve that glossy, fluffy and nice looking hair.

These natural hair treatments can be used for all kinds of hair: relaxed hair, virgin hair, permed or curled hair and so on.


Avocado is a unique fruit that has lots of health benefits and contains lots of essential nutrients like fiber, potassium which is essential for the body and also its intake can help in the prevention of cancer.

Avocado can also be used in treatment of hair problems such as: dry hair textures, damaged or brittle hair etc. 

How to Use:

Firstly, get the avocado fruit (the size to be used depends on the length and size of your hair), remove the seed and then marsh into a paste, apply this paste evenly on your hair from scalp to the tip and then cover with a shower cap or any other head cover to allow heat. Leave for about 20-30 mins and then wash off with lukewarm water.

This treatment can be done once in a week and it works wonders for promoting hair growth by providing your hair with vitamin E and Olive oil which are necessities for a healthy hair.


Funny and yucky as it sounds, the combination of Egg, Banana and Milk proves to be effective in promoting hair growth and treating hair problems.

How to Use:

Egg ( 1 medium size)Banana (1 medium size)Milk ( a sachet of any brand will do)

Firstly, beat your egg in a bowl, marsh your banana into a paste in another bowl and then add to the egg, stir until it is well mixed and then add the milk.

Then apply the mixture evenly to your hair and then wear a shower cap or any other head wrap for heat.

I wasn’t born with a Silver Spoon, says Nigerian song star, CaZe

Leave for about 30-40 minutes before you wash it off with lukewarm water.
Ensure that the entire mixture is used and not stored or left over.

This treatment can also be used for all hair types and can be done once in a week, two weeks or even a month. The best part of this treatment is that once you start applying it, it does not take a long time for results and improvements on your hair.


African Local Soap also known as Black soap has lots of benefits both for skin care and for the hair.

Instead of going for expensive hair shampoos and conditioners, African local soap does the trick, it contains natural ingredients like Shea butter, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil and lots more.

How to Use:

You can use the local soap either in its solid form to wash your hair or you can make your own African local shampoo from it by breaking the local soap into chunks and then adding these chunks in a bottle of water (Luke warm), the more chunks of soap you add, the thicker your shampoo will be.

Allow the mixture to dissolve and cool off overnight and then your homemade African local shampoo is ready for use.
As you know, natural products are the best for both hair and skin treatments, try these few tricks and enjoy your transformative hair growth journey.

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