
John Obot reads on

John Obot


Hilda Bassey breaking the World Record for the longest cooking time had birthed both admiration and competition across the country.

But not just that, her victory made her an inspiration for Nigerians seeking to break further records on other fronts.

John Obot , a teacher and scholar from Uyo is currently attempting to break the Guinness World Record for 145 hours of reading aloud by an individual-Readmania.

There were several cookathons and other..thons. Chef Dammy and others and it seemed to die down when Guinness World record officials had to appeal to Nigerians to cease the applications.

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He recently faced an upset when a glitch caused the record body Guinness to write him to restart. He had gone for over 2 days before the restart on the 12th of September.

His resilient spirit is deserving of recognition as he reads on particularly because he strives to break a record on a dying culture amongst young Nigerians.

We wish him the very best on his attempt. The support of the Ministry of Education and the private sectors would shift future record breaking endeavors by Nigerians towards a new direction.

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