
Fourth Gambian radio station closed

Another private radio station has been shutdown by Gambian authorities, deepening the ongoing political crisis in the country, the AFP news agency reports

Paradise FM is the fourth radio station to be ordered off air this month.

Plain clothes policemen claiming to be acting on information ministry orders told the station to stop broadcasting late Sunday, sources told AFP.

The station had hosted an opposition spokesman, Halifa Sallah, as well as to a ruling party spokesman, Yankuba Colley, to discuss the political crisis, the report says.

Three other radio stations have been ordered off air in similar circumstances so far in January, with only one of them – Afri Radio – later allowed to continue broadcasting on the condition it plays only music, the report adds.

President Yayha Jammen is disputing the victory of opposition candidate Adama Barrow despite earlier conceding.

Mr Jammeh’s party has filed a petition at the supreme court which will be heard on 10 January.

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