
Essential skills of driving

Driving is one of the most useful practical qualifications you can acquire. Driving brings with it, independence, and social and career opportunities.

Driving gives you the freedom to go where you want and when you want.

But before you begin to drive, you should remember that driving is a privilege, not a right, and that you should learn how to be a responsible driver before you set out on the road.

Although the rules and regulations of driving can feel overwhelming, but if you take them one step at a time, you will master the rules of the road in no time.

It is no gainsaying that, every year; thousands of Nigerians are killed or seriously injured on our ever busy roads.

Available statistics reveal that, majority of the road traffic crashes that result in most of the deaths and injuries are as a result of human or driver error.

With this in mind, it is important that every driver understands the responsibility driving a vehicle brings with it and to make safety a top priority.

Adopting safe driving skills is all about developing the right attitude and approach, coupled with a good knowledge of defensive driving techniques, which means driving courteously, having consideration for other road users, and being prepared to make allowances for the mistake of other drivers.

Whether you are a leaner, an experienced driver, a professional driver or a driving instructor, this column, THE ESSENTIAL SKILS OF DRIVING, will give the necessary advice that will help you stay safe on our roads, which in turn will prevent and reduce many of the deaths and injuries that occur on Nigerian roads on a daily basis, by improving your driving standards and techniques.

The series of articles will cover basic driving skills; road procedure; application of driving skills; defensive driving and lots more.

STARTING TO DRIVE Before you start to drive, there are important things you need to be aware of. Firstly, you need to make sure that you are licenced and insure to drive.

Secondly, you need to think about your fitness to drive, you therefore need your eyesight checked, and be certain that you are mentally and physically ready for the challenge of being on the road.

FITNESS TO DRIVE Driving a car demands a high degree of alertness, concentration, quick reaction and a safety conscious state of mind.

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Various forms of illnesses, alcohol or drug use, or tiredness can affect your ability of safe on the road.

It doesn’t matter the importance of keeping an appointment or to attend a party or a function, if you are not fit to drive stay off the road.

Next week’s article will be the Cockpit Drill, a routine that you will carry out each time you get into the driving seat, which shall herald the detailed professional explanation of the various stages of driving and being safe on the road.

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