DG NITDA reiterates commitment to technology transfer

The Director General of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, has reiterated his commitment to the support of technology transfer, capacity building and domestication of foreign IT companies in Nigeria.
Dr Pantami made this known when the delegation of Enterprise Ireland paid a working visit to the Agency’s Corporate Headquarters in Abuja.
The DG said NITDA has a scholarship program where it sponsors Nigerian youths to foreign countries to acquire IT knowledge and would support an immediate collaboration with reputable Institutions from Ireland that would aid the scheme.
NITDA welcomes partnership that would give birth to the replication of technological advancement of Ireland in Nigeria he said.
Mrs Thessa Brongers Bagu, leader of the delegation earlier, revealed that the main aim of the visit was to pave way for more collaboration between Nigerian IT companies, and their Irish counterparts.
ICT is the engine for growth of any country in the world she said.
Enterprise Ireland is the government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.