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Decentralise power, Atiku tells African leaders

Former Vice President of Nigeria, Alh Atiku Abubakar, has called on leaders and various economic groups in the African conti­nent to work towards diversi­fying their nations’ economy from its present state of “mo­no-crop economy”, so as to at­tain meaningful development.
He cautioned that African countries would not go far in achieving freedom, develop­ment and advancing their so­cieties, unless they decentralise power and resources.
Atiku made the call yester­day at the opening ceremony of the three-day joint national conference of African Vet­erinary Association/Nigerian Veterinary Medical Associa­tion Congress, holding in Enu­gu, with the theme: “Towards Economic Diversification and Sustainable Development in Africa”.
Atiku lamented that five de­cades after most African coun­tries gained political indepen­dence, their economies remain mostly mono-crop economies. That is, they largely depend on the export of single primary commodities such as minerals or agricultural produce. The prices of these commodities are determined internationally by factors over which, African countries have little influence. And they often fluctuate rather widely, making the economies very vulnerable to externally induced shocks. There is little industrialisation, little manu­facturing and little added value.

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