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Applause and Acolades From Abroad For Apostle Dr Chibuzor Chinyere, Apostle of Omega Power Ministries for the Achievements and Programs of the OPM Foundation

As the saying goes, good deeds do not go unnoticed while great deeds are extolled even to the high heavens, an aphorism that aptly captures the life changing and morally uplifting, spiritual, humanitarian and empowerment crusade of the venerable Apostle Dr Chibuzor Chinyere, Dr Jesus of Omega Power Ministries (OPM)

that has raised the welfare and wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of Nigerians from all geographical, cultural and linguistic sections of the country to the next level be it the youths, adults, widows, the artisans, students, the less privileged and the downtrodden of society.

Indeed the OPM Foundation launched by Apostle Jesus OPM in 2010 has bravely engaged in the rehabilitation, empowerment, training and alms giving of tens of thousands of Nigerians and some of the foundation achievements include Free Computer Training Centre at Elele Prisons;

Free Tailoring and Computer Centre at Rumuyi, Emohua LGA, Rivers State; OPM Free Restaurant in Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Free Primary & Nursery School at Ohanku, Abia state; Free ICT base Nursery/Primary School in Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Construction of Housing Estate in Rumoukwurusho, Rumuigbo and Aluu communities in Rivers state; Construction of 2 bedroom flats for numerous widows; Multi-Skill Acquisition Centre to trains Nigerians in oil & gas, carpentry, tailoring, rig welding, free driving school etc;

free lunch, free computer training, free textbooks & fully equipped laboratory for students in Port Harcourt, provision of free water borehole for Nkukpuwa community in Abia State and feeding & ministering to thousands of homeless people in Houston Texas amongst other benevolent endeavours.

In this regard, numerous foreign NGOs, civil society groups, charitable organizations, philanthropic foundations and humanitarian groups from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Asia and Central and Latin America have hailed the benevolent and compassionate exertions of Dr Jesus OPM as follows;

PROF. GUPTA SINGH: TEACHERS WITHOUT BORDERS: Undoubtedly, Dr Chibuzor Chinyere’s OPM Foundation has gained remarkable strides in pushing the frontiers of education, knowledge and enlightenment of children, youths and even adults in Nigeria and beyond to an extent that was previously thought to be impossible many years ago.

Without the intensive involvement of the OPM Foundation in education at the primary and secondary levels, the literacy level in the West African sub-region would have been nothing to write home about.

We are profoundly impressed and also motivated by Dr Chibuzor Chinyere’s altruistic and selfless advocacy for the less privileged and disadvantaged of society and urge other similarly inclined personalities, organisations and institutions to emulate the dedication to excellence and exemplary performance of this icon of positive action and achievement.

DR. DONALD DEMPSEY: HABITAT FOUNDATION: The challenges posed by homelessness, acute shortage of affordable housing and the failure of African governments to deliver adequate accommodation for the teaming masses is one that has continued to reduce the quality of life of hapless citizens in the Third World and environs.

However, there is indeed a shining light in the extraordinary dedication of Dr Chibuzor Chinyere’s OPM Foundation provision of affordable housing and decent accommodation for tens of thousands of families, households and citizens without discrimination on religious, ethnic, linguistic or sectional affiliations.

This resounding effort at alleviating the plight of the dispossessed and destitute of society will forever be appreciated and adulated for generations to come both in the African continent and the world over. Dr Jesus of OPM’s foundation deserves encouragement and support from all levels of government, the civil society and the business community at large.

DR. MARYANN CARTER, FORD FOUNDATION: Philanthropy and charitable endeavours is not quite as advanced in the emerging economies in Africa and Latin America as in Europe, North America and the Asian continent.

However, Dr Chibuzor Chinyere’s OPM foundation based in Port Harcourt, Rivers state but with branches and tentacles spread over the country has succeeded in raising the bar of philanthropy and benevolence to appreciable heights by its extensive advocacy, support and assistance and empowerment of the widowed, the indigent, the vulnerable youths, women, the handicapped and the downtrodden of the society quite unequalled in Nigeria history.

No doubt Dr. Jesus of OPM has embedded his compassionate footprint indelibly in the shores of philanthropy and altruism for decades to come. More grease to his elbows.

KEMP JOHNSON, WORLD COUNCIL OF CHARITIES: Countless instances and occasions abound where Dr Jesus of OPM Foundation has advanced the living and working conditions of hundreds of thousands of Nigerian’s living at the margins of society which no government has been able to surpass or even match for that matter.

While the political class continue to engage in endless intrigues, rigmarole and posturings of no discernable benefit to the citizens, Dr Jesus of OPM has taken the bull decisively by the horns in providing for the medical, educational, housing, nutritional and all encompassing needs of the people that is unquantifiable in material or financial terms.

We must constructively commend the positive efforts and exertions of this vendible Man of God and wish him divinely inspired wisdom and guidance in all his activities and deliberations.

BARONESS SWEENEY MACDONALD, OXFAM FOUNDATION: We must unequivocally applaud and congratulate Dr Chibuzor Chinyere’s OPM Foundation for their unparalleled and unsurpassed activities at uplifting the standard of living of the Nigerian people and the African continent by intervening decisively in housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, educating the illiterate and providing much needed spiritual revival for those that have almost hope for survival and sustenance.

If many other groups and individuals join hands with the OPM Foundation, the standard of living of the people and the Gross Domestic Product of the nation will increase in leaps and bounds for generations to come. We wish him all the best in his fruitful and fortuitous endeavours. To God be the Glory.

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