
Prophet Jeremiah Edet’s Take

By: Isaac Oguntoye

The General Overseer of Arena Of Solution International Church, Prophet Jeremiah Edet has lent his voice out over the general elections coming up in 2019. He has made it known that 2019 will be a very serious year in Nigeria and a lot of lives will be lost.

He noted that the seat currently occupied by President Muhammadu Buhari will change and a new person will come in but there are so many people disturbing that change to occur.
” 2019 will not be easy because of the present state we are. Many things will happen, and lives government will go because the seat will change and there are people still saying No to the change but when God gives a final word, it stands, there will be a lot of killings, people will die, this is just the beginning of what you are seeing but only the ones that stand for the truth will be vindicated because I see God giving us an exemption. He said I will exempt you from what affects the world so when we stand for the truth and also speak the truth, no matter what it is, God will always protect his own”

This is one thing Nigerians should pray against because the country weeks ago experienced so much tragedy ranging from plateau killings, Herdsmen killings, Tanker explosion to mention a few.
The Prophet however noted that he is in serious prayer for the country to avert bloodshed

Furthermore, he made some comment s as regarding the influx of fake prophets in the country. He made it known that a true prophet isn’t the one who says the name you bear, the things going on with you because that is just a show off.

In his words ” to know A genuine prophet ,look at the attitude In the sense that if you are going to a church, the first thing you should look out for is the word, secondly, do they really give praise to God, even demons lead praises, in whose names are they operating on. Some operate on demonic powers. Its not until someone tell you your phone number, the pant you wore yesterday, the name you bear, that is not God, it is abacradabra, they are trying to announce themselves, you see a prohet having a special anointing water and say if you don’t use it you will die, no, any prophet you want to know that is truthful must give you prayers backed with the word because any prophet that isn’t giving with the word isn’t it.

”Secondly, you must look out for people that have passion , who are ready to listen to you because nowadays, you find out that in a church where you have the G.O., it is difficult for you to see a G.O of the church whom You are paying your tithe and offering to, any G.O that doesn’t give a platform for even a commoner to see them, I don’t think they are serving God because even God himself doesn’t have a special code before you see him, so what I will tell people is if you are going to a church, look out for the truth, the pattern they operate”, he concluded.

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