
Bow tie: The combination of fashion and simplicity

Bow tie gives you confident, style fashion and attitude it is one fashion outfit that goes for both sex, bow tie is a must have for any white tie or black tie event. It usually worn with a suit, blazer or just a dress shirt Bow tie is most times preferred than long tie or slim tie because it is usually smart and simple but unfortunately people feel it meant for only steward or chef that is a wrong impression bow tie can looks awesome if you try it with this simple rules.

Simple rules to consider when wearing Bow tie
Make a wise decision in choosing the kind of tie you want to go for whether self-tie, ready-tie, or clip-on bow tie

fashion comes when you are comfortable pick between a fixed-size or adjustable bow tie

Pick your choice of bow tie either the Butterfly style , Big Butterfly style , Bat Wing style ,

Diamond Point style or the Rounded Club style

Make sure your bow matches the occasion

Creativity matters in fashion to get a stylish look with bow tie, always keep the outfit simple but creative

Mutiat Alli

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