7 things you didn’t know about your bed

There are few things we love more than a comfy bed. And though it’s a place where we spend a huge amount of time, very rarely do we give it much thought. Sure, we focus on things like silky sheets, sturdy mattresses and cool headboards, but there are really some fascinating facts about this piece of furniture.
Who To Blame For Fitted Sheets
Bertha Berman invented the fitted sheet in 1958. And in 1990, Gisele Jubinville’s version was the first that grabbed the mattress.
And You Thought A King Was Huge…
The largest bed (not pictured) in the world measures 86 feet, 11 inches long and close to 54 inches wide, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
The Most Popular Spot In Your Home
We use our beds more than any other furniture items, says Bedzine.
We’re All Queens
Queen-sized mattresses are purchased more than any other size.
Maybe Don’t Make That Bed
According to the BBC, an unmade bed is not the ideal habitat for bugs and dust mites, suggesting not making your bed might be better for your health.
Most Expensive
Hastens’ Vivdus mattress is the most expensive one in the world, costing a cool $$99,900…
Waterbeds Are Older Than You Thought
According to Precious Bedding, Dr. Neil Arnott invented the waterbed in the 1800s with the hope to prevent bedsores in patients. Although, Dr. William Hooper is credited with the patent.
Source: Huffingtonpost