Entertainment Relationship

5 Lies Every Nigerian Woman Tells Her Man

Women also tell lies. I believe I hear some Nigerian guys clapping and cheering in the background as I write this. I won’t sugarcoat things.

Here are the top lies every woman tells:

1. He’s just a friend
I believe a lot of guys will read this, then go query their babes. Most times, he is not just a friend. We just don’t trouble so we claim friendship. But sometimes, a male jogging buddy is just that. A jogging buddy.

2. It wasn’t expensive
Just multiply the figure in your head by at least 40. When we say that about after we’ve just gone shopping, just be like:

3. I just threw an outfit together
This is a great lie. We spend hours planning the perfect outfit to wear on that date with you.

4. I’m fine
If you ask what’s wrong, we would say we’re fine. Even though we obviously aren’t. And If you don’t ask? You should be making your last confessions to a priest at that time.

5. I love sports
A girl will claim she loves sports (say football) then proceed to put CR7 in Chelsea and tell you Beckham still plays football. Lol, we just do this because we like you.

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