Wedding Night: House Or Hotel, Which Is Preferable?
Hello homes,
We’ll be tying the nuptial knots towards the end of this year God willing. My would be Husband is of the opinion we pass our wedding night in a hotel, but I’m of the opinion we spend it at our new home. My reason for suggesting this is that we’ve never been intimate and it’s my first time, I would have preferred the first experience to be on our matrimonial bed.
Please note that this isn’t the honeymoon proper, I as well suggested that if we spend wedding night at home, after Thanksgiving the next day we’d go for honeymoon proper for a week to his place of choice, that’s somewhere away from home.
Please are there things I need to know about spending wedding night in the house, or is it better we spend the night in the hotel? Please advice me married couples. Thank you.
NB: I had to open another thread as the first one I can’t access it, sorry for the double post