February 28, 2025

Things you should try to do before 2018

Today marks the beginning of a new month. The new year — yes, 2018 — is just around the corner… 60 days, to be exact. WHAT. Today I realize there are still so many things I want — and need — to accomplish in 2017. Won’t you check it out below and join me? But think about it, you need to do them too.

  • Visit your doctor or dentist. I admit, I am pretty lousy at following through with this particular thing. But, guys, our health — physical, mental, sexual, oral or otherwise — is beyond important. We need to take care of ourselves. And each other. Friends, make your friends go get a check-up. Keep them accountable in the name of love.

  • Deep clean your space. No one wants to do this, but just think about how refreshing it would be to wake up January 1 with a blank slate. No cob webs, no dust, no laundry. Just a clean start.

  • Donate unwanted items to charity or thrift stores. After your deep clean (including your closet, of course), take any unwanted items to a thrift store or donate them to charity. Not only are you reducing waste and helping those in need, making a charitable donation can also positively affect your tax return.

  • Look someone in the eye and tell them you love them. Yes, I’m being serious. It may be scary to fall vulnerable to your feelings, but intentionally and wholeheartedly telling your partner, parent, sister, brother, whomever, that you love them is one of the greatest things you can do. Ever. So don’t wait another day.

  • Write an honest letter to yourself. Try your best to recollect the year. Be honest, be kind and, above all, be proud of yourself. We all endure setbacks — write about what you learned and how your strength got you through. We also celebrate victories — pat yourself on the back with self-love and pride. There is no need to focus on spelling or grammar, just let your words flow.

  • Clean up your inbox, desktop, text messages and photos. Daunting, yes, but oh-so freeing. Make your favorite smoothie, put on your favorite album or throw on your headphones, get comfy and technically cut the clutter and free up some digital space for new memories.

  • Travel to a place you haven’t yet been. A dream vacation, a restaurant, a park, a campsite, your partner’s favorite beach… no matter where you go or what you do, just do it. Experience something new.

  • Compliment a stranger. Have you ever walked into work or a coffee shop and a complete stranger compliments you — your smile, outfit, shoes? It is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Or even better… have you ever seen the reaction of a stranger when you compliment them? Talk about a positive, warm and beautiful exchange. So why not make someone feel really good today? Go ahead, compliment them!

  • Watch the sun rise. It is the most peaceful time of day. Birds first start their chatter and cities slowly yawn and stretch their way out of bed. A soft glow starts to appear in the once navy sky. It is a perfect time to meditate, reflect, give thanks or set your intentions. Just you, your thoughts, and a rising sun.

  • Think ahead. 2018 is right around the corner. Start thinking about your new year’s intentions and goals. It doesn’t have to be a resolution list; it can look however you want it to. For me, I intend to travel more with the people I love. To make that a reality, I need to be financially strategic going forward. For example, i opened a piggy bank and put a 1000 naira into it from today, by January 1st 2018, i’d have 60,000 naira which I can then use. Being forward thinking ahead allows me to make the decisions now to impact my future.

  • What would you add to this list? Please share in the comment section.

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