Reality television sucks. Everybody knows this. Everybody, except of course, the millions of viewers who stay glued to their television or mobile sets obsessing over the latest Kardashian/Jenner family drama, the next feverish eviction in yet another Big Brother show, or the sexual lives of the
– A Recap of the Exciting Moments from The Voice Nigeria’s Live Show For several weeks now my DStv Explora has been set to record one of my favourite shows yet – The Voice Nigeria. Now it’s not as if I would ever miss the show while it airs but the satisfaction I get from […]
In what is already turning out to be one of the most exciting competitions on African television, viewers were once again treated to a spectacular blend of entertainment, courage, passion and incredible talent as aspiring singers thrilled coaches and fans alike in episode six of The Voice Nigeria, proudly sponsored by Airtel in association with […]