Home Posts tagged sub-saharan
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Nigeria received over 40% of remittance to sub-Saharan Africa in 2020 —World Bank

*Despite 27.7 per cent decline in remittance flows A World Bank report on migration and development has revealed that Nigeria received over 40 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa’s share of remittances totaling $540 billion. The remittance flows were to low- and middle-income countries in 2020. The report released in Washington D.C. on Wednesday provides updates […]

Poverty And The High Rate Of Insecurity In Nigeria

Today in Nigeria there is a malaise of poverty which has resulted in the problem of insecurity. The twin problem of illiteracy caused by excessive poverty has bedevilled and hampered the development of our country. According to the statistics and data reported and disclosed by the World Health Organisation, the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are […]