Home Posts tagged Consumers

ECOWAS launches quality certification mark

Consumers in the West African sub region will begin to experience no qualms in identifying genuine products and services as ECOWAS launches a quality compliance mark, ECOMark. This quality compliance tool is within the framework of the West Africa Quality System Programme (WAQSP), which can be seen as a follow up effort towards the attainment […]

Poor performance of Telcoms networks operations

The poor performance of the telecommunication networks in the country has come to the fore again. At the recent 81st telecoms consumers parliament organisation organised by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) in Lagos, participants deplored the dismal performance of the telecommunication networks in recent time. Participants implored telecommunications consumers

NBS: 3.45 million Nigerians metered

As of Q4 2017, only 46.16% equivalent to 3.45 million consumers of the total 7.48 million power consumers in Nigeria were metered, according to a power sector report compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The NBS report, Power Sector Report: Energy Generated and Sent Out and Consumed and Load Allocation, metering data indicates […]
Business Energy

FG directs NERC to allow consumers buy meters

The Federal Government has directed the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to reinstate the regulation that allows power consumers to purchase meters from approved vendors. NERC, had in September last year, directed the 11 electricity distribution companies operating in the country to formally wind down the alternative meter financing scheme (Credited