Home Posts tagged Columnist

Columnist: Achieving your dreams through thriving

By Fassy Yusuf Columnist, Despite the perilous state of the economy, and the debilitating and inclement environment we all live in, we cannot afford to give up. We must stop our daily lamentations. In essence we must continue to THRIVE. Thriving involves flourishing, growing vigorously, prosperity, progressing toward or realising a goal despite circumstances and […]

Columnist: Pluralities of issues facing us

By Fassy Yusuf Columnist, This is not the best of time to live in Nigeria. The economy is perilous. Our education is lying prostrate. The imported coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has disrupted our existence leading to the coinage of ‘new normal’. Our youths whilst trying to put effect to their constitutional cum fundamental rights to life, […]

What is happening to Buhari?

By Azu Ishiekwene The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, otherwise called Fulani herdsmen, could be the undoing of President Muhammadu Buhari. The President appears surprised at the depth of outrage against him over the recent spate of violence across the country, especially the senseless killings by herdsmen in Benue State. He thinks that we should […]

Buhari: Between yesterday and tomorrow

I wrote the following piece, presented in italics, shortly after the postponement of the 2015 Presidential elections. It is important that the reader approaches it with an open mind, with an understanding of the context of its construction. The piece, titled “Buhari’s One Chance Campaign” never got published. One of my colleagues to whom I […]

2017: Diary of a columnist (I)

No sympathy, no antipathy “Nonetheless it is both a moral and legal requirement that in the fight against corruption a political leader must proceed with the utmost detachment and un-affection. He must approach the fight as much without fear or favour as without bias or malice aforethought. He is obligated both by law and by […]

Jonathan @60: Lest we forget

As he turns sixty, -and even as he watches the sordid entrails of his six-year misadventure in governance daily exposed- former President Goodluck Jonathan, still rides on his high political horse, claiming as always that while he was in office, he saw no evil, he heard no evil and that he did no evil. And […]

Go, Mugabe, Go

Since August, I have been the anchorperson of a programme on television called ThisDay Live where we discuss political matters – local and global. The programme is available on Arise News TV at 6pm, 9pm and sometimes at midnight every Sunday. Two days ago, we discussed the situation in Zimbabwe, the elections in Anambra, Nigeria’s […]