
Shop Offers 1.1 Million Naira Salary For Employee To Masturbate!

A sex shop in the United Kingdom is offering to pay £28,000(13.3 million Naira) a year for an employee to test their products and write reviews.
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A UK based sex store called LoveWoo wants to hire an employee to review sex toys professionally.

The job entails being responsible for sex toys, lingerie and games and then produce video reviews (outside of the bedroom) and online guides for customers.

The employee is expected to earn £28,000(13.3 million Naira) a year and about 1.1 million Naira a month.

The successful applicant is expected to work from home for two days and spend three days in an office in London.

A spokesperson for the company said “sex toys range from simple to risqué, and as a responsible provider of a huge catalogue of sex toys, [we] feel it necessary to both have and share a good understanding of all products, and be able to inform the public about all perks and pitfalls.

“Giving sound information and advice is truly important to us, and we want to be a platform that gives factual, honest and clear advice”, the company said.

Britain’s sex toy market is a £250million (118 billion Naira) a year industry

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