She Needs It, Just as You Do!
when women keep the activities of the bedroom in the bedroom? Some women like most men find it trendy to share their intimate moments with their friends, at women forums even with their opposite friends.
The question is ‘why this trend? Because Women are starting to complain and are embolden to do so by the society, churches, media, internet etc. women have had it with covering for their men while on the other hand, their men make fun of them in the company of their friends.
I picked up quite a number of complains our women are making concerning the bedroom. During our last church forum a lady stated plainly “Our husbands are getting it wrong and we must either speak out now or go elsewhere for satisfaction.” “True, true” rang out all around me even from quarters I thought all was very well.
This song by Ray Parker Jr. “A WOMAN NEEDS LOVE (JUST LIKE YOU)” readily came to my mind. Like he said, don’t kid yourself into thinking she don’t, she can fool around, just like you do. He ended with you might just come back early from work one day and….
So don’t be old fashioned, time has changed, she needs it more than you do. I remember reading some time back, that women from the age of 50 years are sexier than their counterparts. So husbands here are some of the complains of your wives:
Skipping Foreplay
At one time or another, we’ve all experienced a moment so passionate that wasting time on foreplay was unthinkable — and if you haven’t yet, you should. However, getting caught up in the heat of the moment is quite different from pouncing on her out of nowhere and cutting straight to the chase on a regular basis.
Sometimes, as simple as a caress, a sensual kiss or a suggestive whisper in her ear can mean the difference between a night she will never forget and one she immediately wants to forget.
Ignoring Her Body Language
Although a woman may initially be too shy to tell you exactly what she wants in bed, her body language will give her away. Until her confidence is built enough she will not tell you what she wants. Try to notice how she responds to your touch and react accordingly. If you sense that she is tensing up when you touch her or try to move her body in a certain way, it could be that you are being too rough or that she is ticklish, so be gentler. If, on the other hand, she seems completely unaffected by your caresses, it’s time to turn up the volume and shake things up a bit.
Moving Too Fast
Practicing restraint in bed will only get her hotter, making her want you even more, and will inevitably lead to a mind-blowing sexual experience for both of you. So learn to pace yourself and enjoy all the moment has to offer. Trust me; you’ll both be happier.
Lack of Spruce!
Some men can be lazy or forgetful that they need to smell fine and feel clean. How can she go down on you, when you reek of the day’s heat?
Trying Too Many Things At Once
Most women have an adventurous side and are willing to try new things in bed with their spouse once they trust he will not label them a whore. Some husbands actually want their wives as whores in bed. You just have to go easy with her. Until she wraps her head around the idea, she will hesitate. If you force her to, she might hate you and hate herself for doing your biding.
Try introducing new positions and your fantasies slowly but surely, start with the simpler ones and work your way up to the dandier ones. This way, you will both enjoy it and there’s no telling how far you can go.
Despite what you see in porno movies and, to a lesser extent, on TV, women don’t particularly want to be disrespected in their matrimonial bed. So make sure she’s ready and accommodating before you get carried away and call out derogatory names thinking it will excite her. Before you completely lose her and she see’s you as a demon in bed.
If you are really into these sorts of things, make sure you married a woman who is too, and be sure to run your fantasies by her before marriage and not just spring them on her because you are now married.
Don’t Assume She’s Satisfied
Be sure she is well satisfied before falling off to sleep. The more she climaxes the better for you. Most times it’s better to make her climax before you do.
If you want your woman to keep coming back for more and not being able to keep her hands off you, do the needful, be the amazing lover