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Kiddies World

Cartoon network premieres first epic Nigerian-Produced superhero cartoon – Garbage boy & trash can this July

Created by Nigerian animator Ridwan Moshood, Garbage Boy & Trash Can is set to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humour, creativity, and heartwarming messages. This groundbreaking series introduces us to young Tobi, a superhero without conventional superpowers, whose trusty sidekick is a quirky trash can. Together, they embark on a world of extraordinary
Kiddies World

Why Yelling Doesn’t Work

Children may be sometimes annoying that you feel like hitting them yet, even parents who don’t want to hit them may find him or herself yelling.A study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh and University of Michigan, published by Child Development, says yelling can’t solve the problem. What yelling can cause Shouting at kids makes […]
Entertainment Kiddies World

Ways to Encourage Eating in Kids

Start very small.Are you sure you are not giving your child a giant bowl of food? Maybe that’s why he’s scared to eat. According to Keith E. Williams, Ph.D., director of the feeding program at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, in Pennsylvania,start with the small portions, and then increase at subsequent meals.  At home, you […]
Entertainment Kiddies World

Know Your Heroes/Heroines: Tai Solarin

Born August 20th, 1922, Augustus Taiwo ‘Tai’ Solarin was a Nigerian educator and author. He established the famous Mayflower School, Ikenne, Ogun State in 1956. In 1952, Solarin became the principal of Molusi College, Ijebu Igbo, a post he held till 1956 when he became the proprietor and principal of Mayflower School. Solarin’s exact birth date is unknown, […]
Kiddies World

Know Your Heroes and Heroines

Olayinka Macaulay Badmus was born in Lagos on November 14, 1864 to Thomas Babington Macaulay and Abigail Crowther. They were children of people who were captured from what is now present day Nigeria. They had settled in Sierra Leone but eventually returned to present day Nigeria. Thomas Babington Macaulay was one of the sons of […]
Kiddies World

Send Them Outside!

Most 21st Century parents believe it’s safe and much healthier to have their kids play only around the house and in their backyards. Wrong! Studies have shown that it isn’t all the time that kids should be subjected to in-house fun alone. Letting them go outside to play with friends, buying them footballs, jump ropes […]