February 28, 2025

Outlining the importance of regular health check ups

Hospitals aren’t always the best places to be, especially when our health is deteriorating. The environment of a hospital makes us feel sick. With the rapid outbreak of different diseases and the increase in the types of conditions affecting human beings, it is important to take caution and avoid the causative agents of the various diseases. Some diseases tend to be very dreadful when they have developed to certain stages. Most of these illnesses come with their symptoms and are very costly when it comes to their treatment. For us to avoid expensive treatments and When a person wants to start a regular check-up programme, it is vital that he or she identifies a health care centre that has advanced facilities while providing some of the best health care services. Some of the main factors determining the frequency and type of medical checkups for different individuals are; lifestyle choices, age, health condition and family histories among others. The primary purpose of regular checkups is to check and analyse our present health conditions and detect any risks to our health. Speaking during an exclusive interview with the Daily Times Health Correspondent, Dr. Seyi Adeniran of Wuse general hospital Abuja identified some of the most common tests and screenings to consider in regular checkups to include HIV/AIDS, diabetes, high blood pressure and prostate cancer screening. Other tests and screenings according to Dr. Adeniran include body mass index, immunisation schedules, and viral hepatitis. ‘’All these diseases are life-threatening and should be tested to ensure early diagnosis and prevention. ‘’Regular checkups are essential since they fall under good health care practices. Lesser healthcare costs qualify as one of the advantages of regular checkups. It is so easy to evade medical checkups in this generation because of the bills paid to hospitals during the check-up visits. In the long run, regular checkups are beneficial since they help us to save a lot of money. Checkups help to mitigate the risks associated with potential health ailments. Checkups help to reduce the chances of dangerous medical procedures like surgeries. ‘’The second benefit of regular checkups is the prevention of common life-threatening diseases. Through checkups, doctors can diagnose different health issues at their early stages. The medical checkups mainly include preventive screenings, numerous tests and counting physical examinations. ‘’The third benefit of regular checkups is carrying out blood tests. Blood tests are beneficial in eliminating the risks of various diseases linked to blood and conditions incorporated into the bloodstream. Blood tests also help doctors to evaluate the way the different body organs are functioning. ‘’The fourth benefit of checkups is to diagnose and detect the problems associated with stress.
The rise in stress levels leads to numerous health problems both mental and physical. Regular checkups will make it easier for you to receive medical healthcare which will in turn control and manage the health problems related to stress. ‘’The fifth benefit of regular checkups is the fact that they make you more informed decisions about your health condition. Doctors will be able to warn you on various habits and practices. Doctors advise patients on new health practices like foods they need to eat and the ones they need to avoid after medical checkups’’, Dr Adeniran added. For his part, Dr. Ikechukwu Enioma, Managing Director, Madona Medical Dignposis Gwarinpa says, “Normally, if there is no indication of illness people should seek to have a health check-up at least once a year. The tests and diagnosis methods will vary according to different ages and risk factors of diseases. This can be ascertained from an individual’s lifestyle habits, medical history, and family history. This is especially true for disease with clear risk factors such as genetic inheritance, exposure to stress, and being a smoker, to name but a few factors.” He pointed out that many people may not realize that “risk factors” that contribute to disease are all around us. ‘’The main factors that contribute to a healthy body include good nutrition, proper lifestyle habits (avoiding risk factors), and getting regular exercise. It is understandable that not everyone will be able to maintain these positive factors, let alone maintain them consistently throughout their lifetime. This is why it is important to have an annual health check-up. Determining the status of your bodily functions can help to identify any abnormalities before they can worsen, display symptoms, and pose a significant risk. Identification of issues allow for prompt treatment, which can – reduce complications that may lead to loss of life, and also helps you save on medical costs’’ he added. The Health Check-up begins with a multidimensional analysis, and identification of risk factors of disease multidimensional for each person. These may include lifestyle habits such as consumer behaviour, stress from work, alcohol consumption, insomnia, etc. Past medical history, including a history of similar diseases will be taken into account and recorded as important data to be utilized in devising an appropriate health check-up program that is personalized for each patient. “Good health begins with prevention and that all starts with the individual,” explains Dr. Theresa Adaba of Asokoro general hospital. She said, “Establishing good health habits means people may enjoy longer, healthier, happier lives. Regular check-ups are an important part of a prevention routine and can help keep people on track with their health goals.” The aim of a health check she said is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of disease. It’s like getting a car serviced before it breaks down after all, it’s often better to pick up potential problems earlier rather than later. Health checks can provide health care professionals with an opportunity to look at a person’s lifestyle, medical history and family history to find out if they’re at risk of any preventable health conditions. “Getting the right checks at the right time throughout life may help people detect potential health problems early on,” Dr. Adaba added. “This may allow for earlier treatment and better outcomes. Health checks can also identify areas where improvements to lifestyle habits can help keep you on the right track” Having regular health checks has several advantages. Health checks can help a person understand their health needs, values and concerns, and help identify some potential health risk factors where they can make healthy improvements. It may also make them more likely to feel comfortable talking openly with their health care team and may give them the confidence to participate in decisions about their health. By Doosuur Iwambe

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