Power & Energy

Oando Energy Resources records increased output

Oando Energy Resources (OER) has announced output in­crease from the commencement of production on Qua Iboe Field.

Oando Plc Energy Resources Inc, announced the completion of all civil and pipeline works as­sociated with the Qua Iboe field, and associated crude delivery and sales infrastructure, with commercial production at 2,150 boepd Gross.

Oando Energy Resources holds a 40 per cent working in­terest in the field. In its capacity as technical services provider, OER, together with the operator and 60% owner, Network Explo­ration and Production Nigeria Limited (NEPN), brought the field from conceptualization, through development, to first oil delivery.

The commercial oil produc­tion from the field’s reservoirs has now commenced at an ini­tial rate of 2,150boepd gross to the partners. The crude process­ing facility was commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2014 but commercial production was de­layed until the completion of the associated cluster crude deliv­ery and sales infrastructure into the Qua Iboe Terminal.

The Company identified the asset in 2012 and an agreement was reached with NEPN for OER to technically lead and fund cer­tain aspects of NEPN’s costs un­til first oil.

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