Nigeria Independence @ 57: What the people say

Belated and deflated, most of the people who reluctantly reflected on 57 years of Nigeria’s independence have this much to say.
We are celebrating fantastic failures – Engr. Jimoh Adeshina
Well, since you asked me, Nigeria is an independent country that hasn’t achieved anything tangible. May be we are celebrating 57 years of fantastic promises when politicians are campaigning for votes. All we receive after they win are unkept promises, failed projects, poverty, hardship and corruption.
With so many natural resources in every state, it baffles me that Nigeria is still having economic crisis. This country turns out diligent graduates every year with no hope of employment or fund to empower them to put what they have learnt to practice.
Health facility is zero. Good roads, infrastructures? There is no one we can really celebrate as a success story.
Because of mismanagement and corruption, we have seen blue chip companies move from Nigerian to neighbouring countries from where they flood our markets with their products. Please, don’t spoil my day for me; it is bad enough the way the country is.
At least, we still have our freedom – Agboola
My answer is yes and no. Yes because Nigeria is a country that we can say we are truly independent even though the independence has been abused by our leaders.
We have made progress in other areas, like the communication project that brought us the cell phone in 2001. I don’t see anybody now writing letters and buying stamps every day.
Nigeria is one of few countries that now boast of a large number of television and radio stations. I won’t like to dwell on the negative side because I know that one day, a God fearing leader will emerge and the story will turn around for good.
Yes, we can celebrate freedom from military rule – Mrs. Lateefat Abiodun
Inspite of everything, let us be grateful to God that we did not continue under military rule. Agreed that politicians have plundered the country and saddened our joy, but that will be corrected one day. Because of democracy, we can question people in elected office; you can’t try that with military rulers.
Moreover, we are not so far behind in the field of education and technology. I have heard that Nigerians occupy very important positions abroad in virtually all fields of learning and businesses.
We can still count some good things on our finger tips, like when Ebola broke out in 2014 and the way it was quickly arrested and checked. We can be proud of that and celebrate good health, if anything.
Solve problems, unite the country – Idris Atolagbe
Nigeria is 57 years old but we are still going through a lot of problems. If government wants us to celebrate, let them look into the problem of unemployment in the country and provide employment opportunities for her citizens.
The agitation for separate states and republics is because of marginalisation and inadequate care of the people. Government should do everything to unite the country and there will be no more struggles for secession.
Parents are sacrificing everything to pay for children’s education, but the situation where the children graduate but can’t find a job is very disappointing.
Government should strive as much as possible to let the country grow like its age; they should build more companies and factories in the country and provide employment opportunities for the citizens; they should not use all our resources to better the lot of their children alone.
We are celebrating 57 yrs of agony – Mrs Okechukwu
Nigeria is celebrating 57 years in agony, crisis and bondage forced upon us by our leaders; and while they are enjoying, the masses are suffering: many families can’t even afford three square meals a day.
Our problem is bad governance – Vivian Charles
Our problem is simply bad government. They don’t have good agenda for the citizens; all they care about is themselves and their families.
Ordinary electricity is still a problem after 57 years! They should repair our roads, provide us with good health facilities, water supplies and adequate security. Is that asking too much?
The rich should help the poor; life is not about one person alone and we should remember that God helps the one that help the needy. And you are not yet someone until you help someone that can’t return the favour.
A crawling giant and a failed state – Bambo Adewolu
What are we celebrating? I do not see any reason to celebrate. As I speak, I don’t have electricity in my house. The economy is down. Our leaders are cheating us, I tell you.
They can celebrate. For me, Nigeria is a crawling giant at 57 and a failed project.
I’m not impressed – Banker Nsikak Attah
Obviously, Nigeria is not where she should be at 57 when you compare where we are now with countries that got independence about the same time.
Look at Ghana, for instance, Check out Brazil and Malaysia. But I believe the fact that we are still together is one reason to celebrate.