
Miracles and Healing Abound at the 11th Healing Streams Live Services; Celebration Continues with Festival of Miracles

The 11th Healing Streams Live Healing Services, hosted by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, took place last weekend, delivering profound blessings and miraculous transformations.

The event, which reached billions around the globe, continues to stir gratitude and joy, as the world reflects on the extraordinary healings and blessings that transpired. Pastor Chris had prophesied that the event would shake the spiritual realms, and true to his words, the impact was immense.

The Healing Streams program was translated into 8,133 languages and 930 dialects, ensuring that over seven billion people could access the healing message of Jesus Christ in their native tongues. Across millions of connected healing centers worldwide, people experienced the tangible power of God. Testimonies from the three-day event included the dead being brought back to life, instant healing from spinal injuries and cancers, and hospitals being emptied as patients received divine healing.

Throughout the weekend, the atmosphere was charged with worship, prayer, and reverence for God. The global participants engaged in praise through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, led by Pastor Deola Phillips, the Director of the Healing School, along with senior ministers and the Loveworld Singers. The reverent worship created an environment ripe for the outpouring of God’s healing power.

At the culmination of the event, Pastor Chris delivered a powerful message on the divine nature of Jesus Christ. He emphasized that understanding God goes beyond intellectual or scientific inquiry; it requires divine revelation. He encouraged the global audience to embrace the divine health offered through Jesus Christ, highlighting that Jesus is the perfect image of God, the embodiment of divine character.

“Jesus was the only one of His kind when He came to this world,” Pastor Chris stated. “He is the profile of the Father, the image of the invisible God. He is more than a man; He is the exact copy, the perfect imprint of God’s person, essence, and substance.” Pastor Chris urged listeners to recognize that true knowledge of God can only come through revelation, not through human intellect or science.

He continued, “Serve God with your spirit, and you cannot serve God with your spirit until you are born again! When you believe in Jesus Christ, you receive the same life that He has. The life He has given us is more powerful than any infection or disease because the Holy Spirit perambulates your body. He gave you divine health so that you can be healthy all the time.”

The grand finale saw Pastor Chris preparing the audience for the miracles that followed, declaring, “God’s word is medicine to all your flesh. As the Word is coming to you, real medicine is entering inside you, and health is entering inside you.” As these words of faith were spoken, healing virtues flowed, and many experienced miraculous recoveries.

Testimonies from around the world continue to pour in, showcasing the life-changing experiences of those who participated in the 11th Healing Streams Live Healing Services. In Uruguay, a mother shared the story of her 2-year-old daughter, who had struggled with eating. After Pastor Chris prayed, the child began eating well for the first time in ages, bringing relief and joy to her family.

In the Solomon Islands, Pastor Enoka shared his miraculous healing from pleural effusion, a condition that had plagued him for years. After keeping his diagnosis a secret, he experienced a significant improvement in his breathing during the Healing Streams program. Now healed, he rejoices in the power of faith and prayer.

Patience from Sweden testified about her deliverance from fear, seizures, and strange facial movements. After Pastor Chris prayed against the spirit of fear, she noticed a profound change, and she is now free from seizures, experiencing peace like never before.

In Brazil, Valdicrea’s life was transformed after suffering from debilitating arthritis for ten years. When Pastor Chris prayed for the sick, she was healed instantly, regaining her mobility and freedom from pain. She now lives a life of restored health, praising God for the miraculous healing.

The parade of miracles continues as the Festival of Miracles on Healing Streams TV runs until Sunday, August 11, 2024. Viewers are encouraged to tune in daily at noon to witness inspiring testimonies and detailed features on the incredible miracles that occurred during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services.

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Participants can also share their testimonies by emailing or calling the numbers provided for their respective regions. This ongoing program is an opportunity for people to witness the transformative power of faith and prayer.

The 11th edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services concluded with a special time of prayer led by Pastor Chris. He prayed specifically for families and nations, invoking divine protection and blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. He declared that the lives of all who participated in the program would be glorified, and that every family would experience the grace of God.

Pastor Chris also prayed for peace and prosperity across nations, calling for leaders who truly care for their people. He asked for guidance, wisdom, and understanding for national leaders, so they may govern with justice and wisdom for the benefit of their citizens.

For those who missed the July Healing Streams Live Healing Services, the blessings are still accessible through a rebroadcast available on or via the Healing School Mobile App. This opportunity allows everyone to partake in the divine blessings that flowed during the event.

As the Festival of Miracles continues, the world is reminded of the power of faith and the reality of divine healing. The testimonies of those who experienced miraculous recoveries serve as a testament to the enduring power of God’s love and the life-changing impact of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services.

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