
Food crisis: Tinubu orders release of 102, 000 metric tons of grains


…Governors join rescue efforts

By Ukpono Ukpong

In response to the escalating food crisis and soaring commodity prices, President Bola Tinubu has ordered the immediate release of more than 102,000 metric tons of various grain types from the National Food Reserve and the Rice Millers Association of Nigeria.

The measure was announced at the close of a three-day crucial meeting of the Special Presidential Committee on Emergency Food Intervention at the Aso Rock Villa on Thursday.

Speaking to State House correspondents after a series of the high-level meetings, Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, unveiled the government’s emergency intervention plan.

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has been directed to release about 42,000 metric tons of maize, millet, garri, and other commodities from their strategic reserve,” he announced.

Additionally, discussions with the Rice Millers Association of Nigeria resulted in the commitment of 60,000 metric tons of rice to be swiftly made available to the public.

Should shortages persist, the government stands prepared to import additional supplies.

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“Government is also looking at the possibility, if it becomes absolutely necessary, to import some of these commodities as an interim measure in the short run,” Minister Idris disclosed.

The government vowed to crack down on food hoarding, with punitive measures being considered to ensure fair distribution and accessibility of essential food items.

This proactive approach aims to alleviate the immediate pressures of the food crisis while signaling the government’s commitment to addressing the underlying challenges affecting food security nationwide.

Also on Thursday, the 36 state governors resolved to implement measures to cushion the effect of the current economic hardship on the citizens and raise foreign exchange earnings.

The governors came up with the resolution at an emergency virtual meeting of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) held on February 6.

In a communique after the meeting, signed by the Chairman of the NGF and Governor of Kwara State,
AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, the governors also considered ways to address rising insecurity.

Part of the communique reads: “Following a briefing by the National Security Adviser (NSA), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu and the representative of the Director General of the Department of State Service (DSS), members deliberated on the security situation and food stability in the country and resolved as follows:

“Recognised the need to address the connection between food inflation, naira depreciation and rising insecurity across parts of the country from a systemic perspective and called for urgent discussions with and synergy amongst stakeholders in improving the situation in the shortest possible time.”

The governors agreed to reduce foreign exchange demand by use of moral suasion to reduce
dependence on foreign exchange, imported goods and services.

They also agreed to work on ways to improve foreign exchange supply by easing commodity export requirements to encourage export and supply of foreign exchange, curbing illegal export of solid minerals and increasing crude oil
production to earn more foreign exchange.

The governors resolved to support improved enforcement efforts by reviewing the extant criminal
justice laws in the states to ensure quick dispensation of justice on perpetrators of insecurity in the States.

They resolved to work with the office of the National Security Adviser in their various states to enhance the nature and quality of intelligence.

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