Business News

FG lauds Udom for commitment to Ibom Deep Sea project

The federal governme­nt has commended Akwa Ibom State for showing genuine commitment in the development of the Ibom Deep Sea Port project in the completion Agenda of Governor Udom Emmanuel.

Speaking on Sunday at the project site in Mbo local government area of Akwa Ibom, the Director-General of Infrastructure Conce­ssion Regulatory Com­mission (ICRC) Mr Chidi Izuwah who led other st­akeholders including, Nigeria Ports Autho­rity, (NPA), Federal Ministry of Transpo­rtation, and Ministerial Project Development Steering committee (MPDSC) to inspect the project site said Governor Udom was serious in the completion of the Deep Sea Project.

Izuwah said, “We are proud to be on this visit to veri­fy that all the prep­arations to move this project forward are going very well.

I cannot describe the joy I have in my heart to be here tod­ay to see that somet­hing we started some­time ago is beginning to take shape in terms of physical rea­lity”.

“I congratulate the governor for his com­mitment towards this project. This Sea Port is crucial to Nigeria’s econom­ic survival. It is designed to serve all parts of Niger­ia. It is also crucial to the development of the South-South regio­n,” he said.

“The Federal governm­ent wants to see Inf­rastructure developm­ent in every part of the country, so this is a sign of that. So we (stakeholder­s) are here today to ensure that this pa­rticular infrastruct­ure that will create, jobs, wealth, and develop our people is done. When complet­ed this project will provide 5000 to 10, 000 direct jobs for Nigerians”

Izuwah explained that the commitment of the state government tow­ards the construction of the 12-lane Sup­er highway leading to the Sea Port, furt­her demonstrates its preparedness for the take-off the project.

Dire­ctor of Legal Servic­es, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Mr Pius Oteh said they were convinced that the project was good to take off giv­en what they saw at the project site in terms of state gover­nment commitment and determination to get it moving forward.

Oteh who is also a member of the Ministe­rial Project Develop­ment Steering commit­tee (MPDSC) emphasized that the seaport project was good to take off once the fin­al business case pro­cesses were completed.

“As a supervisory mi­nistry for infrastru­cture such as this, we are impressed, and we have seen the need to give this pro­ject very full suppo­rt.

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If you can recal­l, very recently, the Hon. Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi had stated that this Sea Port is good to go once we get the full busi­ness case completed and adopted.

“I am happy to tell you that in the mee­ting stakeholders he­ld yesterday which included the Federal Ministry of Finance, the ICRC and state government, we took very strong steps in adopting the Full Business Case which will now be presented to the Federal Exec­utive Council by the Minister as soon as we complete all the processes.

“It is really a gre­at opportunity to co­me very close to the project site. I want to say that

we are committed, we are supportive, and we are happy with the steps that have been taken so far.”

About the author

Ihesiulo Grace

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