Eyola Boost Your Confidence

To feel, act and appear confident is an art that can be mastered. Be confident…
In your own skin. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself on all your best features, each and every day. Take care of your body, from head to toe, paying attention to hygiene, your health and of course pampering yourself from time to time. Avoid perfectionism, don’t compare yourself to others and walk with around with a smile – you’ll appear both confident and attractive.
On your first date. Put yourself in a good mood before your date. Wear your favourite feel-good outfit. Pamper yourself – a new haircut, a manicure, whatever rocks your boat. How you look can make a huge difference to how you feel. Dance to your favourite music, have a few giggles with close friends. Be yourself and have no expectations of what will unfold. Enjoy the company of your date regardless of whether you are attracted to them or not. And most importantly, SMILE.
In the bedroom. Throw your insecurities out the window and stop comparing yourself to celebrities and models. Replace magazines that make you feel insecure with images by Italian artist Botticelli. His paintings celebrate the female body – cellulite and all. Remember that most women who grace our television screens and the pages of magazines are not ‘real’. They have been retouched or sat for hours on end, lending their hair, skin and body to contouring professionals, prior to their photo-shoot or TV appearance. Love your body and remember that your partner only becomes aware of your insecurities when YOU point them out. Otherwise, they’re none the wiser.
At work. Eliminate self-doubt and negative self-talk. Dress for the position you would like to be in, not the position you are currently in. Enhance your skills by enrolling for short courses in your spare time. Focus on your success and pick yourself up each time you fall. Dust your shoulder and learn from your mistakes. If you have a tricky or scary telephone call to make, stand up. Being upright, with your feet firmly planted on the floor, will give you a sense of decisiveness and clarity.
While networking/at a sales pitch/at a job interview. Before the big day, practice, practice, practice. A good way to do this is by filming yourself so that you can take notes of habits you should avoid and improvements you can make. Get into the habit of giving yourself a pep talk just before entering the room. Try repeating these words to yourself on your way to the event or venue: ‘I am not nervous, I am excited. I am a success.’
At a reunion. Reunions of any kind can be rather daunting, especially because people usually attend for two reasons: to show off their success and to measure other people’s successes (or failures). Ignore the ulterior motives of others and go with the intention of having fun. If you’re feeling extremely nervous, take a trusted close friend with you. Smile, look sexy and be honest and proud of your achievements. If the experience takes you back to that scared, bullied, 10-year-old you once were, exercise the freedom to walk away.
At a party. Stand up straight, smile, compliment people and mimic the body language of the person you are attracted to. Giving compliments and mirroring someone else’s body language are great ways to bond and make others feel comfortable in your presence. Also, make sure that you’re well groomed and wearing you favourite knock-‘em-dead outfit.
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