
Different products you can derive from corn

Corn is considered to be eaten and for making some other foodstuff like pap, cornflakes, corn meal and the rest. But there many products that corn can be used for aside foodstuff. The countless uses of corn have prompted interest in corn as an investable asset, and prices have surged in recent years as demand for the commodity has increased.

Corn can is used for plastic production: Plastics do not only consist of synthetic substances – in fact, corn-based plastics have become very popular in recent years as companies strive to find methods for reducing the environmental impact of plastics. Many plastic manufacturers have recognised the importance of finding new and innovative ways to produce their products. These companies have found that using corn decreases their manufacturing expenses since it’s cheaper than oil; for this same reason it’s also more predictable thanks to the decreased dependence on the geopolitical climate in oil-producing countries. Corn-based plastics use up to 68% less fossil fuels during production than traditional plastics, and are estimated to emit 55% less greenhouse gases. Additionally, many of these plastics are also biodegradable. As the Environmental Protection Agency continues to push for stricter regulations against plastic producers, the need for corn in plastic manufacturing is set to increase. You’ll find corn plastics used in food containers and plastic food packaging, disposable dishware, and even gift cards.

Corn is in your batteries: Ethanol isn’t the only form of energy derived from corn. In addition to fueling our cars, some batteries also contain corn derivatives found in the form of “bioelectricity”. In batteries, cornstarch is often used as an electrical conductor.

Corn is used in your cough syrup: Corn syrup is one of the main ingredients in cough drops, as well as many hard candies, providing that flavorful sweetness. It also helps provide the shape and candy-like texture that allows for the wrapping and packaging of individual pieces.

It is beneficial for producers of cough drops to use corn syrup because it’s cheaper than white sugar. Moreover, traditional sugars often form crystals or dust-like particles while blending; luckily, corn syrup doesn’t share this undesirable trait in the manufacturing process.

Corn even makes you smell good: Cornstarch is a common ingredient in many cosmetic and hygiene items, including deodorants. Many natural or homemade deodorants include cornstarch as an ingredient because of its absorbent nature. Many gel deodorants also contain a corn derivative in the form of denatured alcohol, also known as ethanol. Similarly, hand sanitizer also typically contains ethanol.

Corn is used for your baby diapers: Where would our babies be if not for corn. You can thank the absorbent nature of cornstarch for its assistance in the production of diapers. Though the absorbent layer found in modern-day diapers is typically made with acrylic acid, a component of ethylene (another derivative of corn), you’ll also find traditional cornstarch used in diaper production. Baby powder, an item which is often used along with diapers, also typically contains cornstarch due to its absorbent nature.

From crop to medication: Many medications and vitamins contain corn products, particularly cornstarch. The starch is used as a binder, or within the tablet’s coating, and helps drugs to hold their form. Additionally, cornstarch is used as an agent that helps the tablets disintegrate after they are ingested. Many medications delay the activation of their ingredients in order to regulate doses over time. By using a natural product such as corn starch in the coating of tablets, pharmaceutical companies can accurately engineer medications to be as safe and effective as possible. Cornstarch is an appealing ingredient for these uses because it’s a well-researched and natural product that’s easily digested by humans.

Corn for crayons: The colourful crayons that children play with can attribute their form to the inclusion of corn-based derivatives. Dextrin, which is made from cornstarch, is used to assist with removing crayons easily from their molds. Corn products also help the paper labels adhere to crayons. Once crayons are molded, labeled, and packaged, it is corn products that help keep crayons in shape and easy for children to use.

Corn in your candies: You’ll generally find corn used in candies and other confectionary items in two ways. First, corn syrup is often used as a sweetener in beverages, candies and other sweets because it is less expensive than cane sugar. Also, candies that are formed in molds often contain cornstarch in order to get the fine details, such as character shapes or imprinted logos, to hold their shape. Secondly, corn products are used to give some types of candies a chewy texture. You’ll find corn used in virtually all types of sweetened products thanks to its sweetness in flavor and versatility.

Corn is beneath your feet: Carpets and other textile products now make wide use of corn in their production processes. The commodity is often found in petroleum-based textile production, but can also be found in colorings or dyes. Corn-based products are preferable to petroleum-based products in textile production because they are environmentally friendly.

Corn in your glue: Glue and other adhesives commonly contain cornmeal or cornstarch. For example, the adhesives used on envelopes are made with cornstarch, which becomes sticky once moistened. Additionally, corn germ, the leftover substance after the oil has been removed from corn, is used to increase the adhesive qualities of industrial glue. The use of corn germ also decreases the price of many of these high-intensity glues, as it replaces some of the resin that’s typically used in fabrication.

Corn in your matches: Corn, and more specifically cornstarch, is a common ingredient in the production of matchsticks. Additionally, matchsticks that are formed on paper or cardstock may include corn products in the paper itself to increase its rigidity. Pellet stoves that burn corn-based pellets are also available for home heating purposes.



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