CBB winner Sarah Harding has no regret cheating on her fiancee

While in the live camera wired she enjoyed a sex, romance with Chad Johnson, 30, in the TV house despite already being in a relationship with her fiancee, Aaron Lacey.
In her first newspaper chat, since leaving the show, Agency reports said that Sarah Handing the pop star, 35, insisted the only choice for her was to cheat.
SARAH Harding says she has no regrets about cheating on her lover on her way to winning Celebrity Big Brother.
She said: “At the end of the day I was in a very brief relationship before I went into the house. It was a matter of weeks, so it wasn’t very serious.
“Every day in the house is like a week and Chad became a good friend to me and we got close. It felt like we’d known each other for six months. So I had to weigh up the options. And you can’t compare what I and Chad had to dating someone briefly.
“It was a very careful consideration. It was a long process. It wasn’t taken lightly…I’m not that kind of person. I was in a very unfortunate situation where I wasn’t in a position to deal with it properly.”
Aaron, 33, is said to be “devastated” by the way Sarah has treated him.
But she insisted: “I never regret. I don’t like to look back on my life and have regrets. I don’t look back in hindsight. It’s too late.
“In life the only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and maybe next time approach it differently.”
Sarah has hinted she will not be in contact with Aaron about her antics on CBB