
Causes of private organ shrinkage in men and how to prevent it

By Doosuur Iwambe

According to Healthline When a man’s private organ shrinks, it becomes smaller than what is considered average for a man of his gender.

A man’s self-esteem may suffer as a result of this condition, and he may experience significant discomfort as a result. Some men may seek to expand the size of their organ if they are unhappy with its current size.

This thinning can be temporary in nature or the result of a condition that can be treated or changes in one’s way of life.

Male organ size might vary noticeably from man to man. However, contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that a person’s organ size has nothing to do with his race or ethnicity.

Although some guys might think they’re bigger than usual, the vast majority of them are actually within what doctors would call the “normal” range for males.

Expert opinion on the size of a man’s privates is as follows:

  1. A slack organ is typically 9.16 centimeters in length (about 3.6 inches)

The average length of a relaxed organ is 13.24 centimeters (about 5.3 inches)

Thirdly, the standard length of an upright organ is 13.12 centimeters (about 5.2 inches)
Circumference of a sagging organ, on average, is 9.31 centimeters (cm) (about 3.7 inches).

  1. The standard height of an upright organ is 11.66 centimeters (about 4.6 inches)
  2. Aging

The private organ of an aging man receives less blood due to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries. The result is a weakening of the muscle cells lining the erectile tubes within the organ. If blood supply is reduced to the erectile tubes, the result will be fewer or weaker erections.

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Accumulation of Fat

Many middle-aged and older men worry about looking and feeling unattractive because of their increasing waistlines.
When a guy gains weight, his organ may look smaller than it actually is, but it hasn’t shrunk.

The male reproductive organ is linked to the abdominal wall, so when the belly gets bigger, it gets pushed inward and gives the illusion of being smaller. If a guy reduces his body mass, his organ will return to its pre-obesity state.

Male genital disorder known as Peyronie’s Peyronie’s illness causes a curved penis during erection due to the development of scar tissue (fibrous tissue) inside the penis.

The majority of men who experience a curved erection will not need to worry, but for other guys the curve may become painfully noticeable. Both the length and the circumference of a man’s private organ may shrink as a result of Peyronie’s disease.


Male sexual organs may become smaller after taking some drugs. Among these pharmaceuticals are Adderall, which is used to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, as well as certain antidepressants, psychiatric medications, and prescriptions used to treat an enlarged prostate.


Nicotine’s corrosive byproducts can damage the body’s vascular system, preventing an organ from receiving a healthy blood supply and expanding to its full size. If the blood arteries are destroyed, then it doesn’t matter how strong the stimuli are or how much of an effect they have on the brain; the organ won’t get an erection.

How to avoid male genital atrophy.

1 Eat well consistently.

2) Keep your weight in check.
Stop using stimulant medications immediately

  1. Put an end to drug use
    The fifth recommendation is to stop smoking.

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