
Stakeholders discuss progress on domestic immunization financing

The Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Sustainable Immunization Financing (SIF) Programme recently assembled senior officials from 17 countries including Nigeria to share their successes in increasing government budget allocations for national immunization programmes at Kathmandu, Nepal.

Greater political commitment and advocacy are building the momentum needed for countries to fully finance their immunization programmes by 2020 and achieve the goals set forth in the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP).

During the three-day colloquium, delegates participated in an open exchange of strategies and best practices that have helped their countries increase domestic commitments to fund national immunization programs. In panel sessions, delegates presented their legislative activities, conducted peer assessments and discussed innovations in financing, budgeting and advocacy.

They also prepared short-term, country-specific advocacy plans designed to make progress on sustainable immunization financing by 2020.

The need for sustainably financed national immunization programmes is recognized by Sustainable Development Goal three (ensure healthy lives) and the GVAP, a framework for extending the full benefits of immunization to every man, woman and child by 2020.

However, rising costs due to the addition of new life-saving vaccines and unguaranteed external funding pose serious challenges for national immunization programmes.

“Immunization is among the most cost-effective health interventions, saving lives and lessening the crushing burden of illness for wealthy and poor people alike. Countries are investing in their future when they fund immunization programs,” said Dr. Jon Andrus, executive vice president at the Sabin Vaccine Institute. “We are inspired by the commitment of these delegations to take ownership of their immunization programmes by funding such essential health services that strengthen their citizens and economies. Immunization should be a basic right for all people, provided by their government. Each of these countries is taking significant steps to develop a sustainable immunization programme to provide its citizens with life-saving vaccines.”

Sabin’s SIF programme currently works with 21 countries to facilitate collective action on immunization financing and has helped organize more than 270 advocacy briefings and peer exchanges since 2008 to assist those countries.

“We must not only advocate for increased funds but also better resource tracking, efficient spending and transparency,” added Dr. Helene Mambu-Ma-Disu, senior programme officer responsible for SIF programme activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Madagascar. “We must ensure that countries’ investments in immunization are delivered and sustained to support national immunization programs that help drive broader development.”

“At the colloquium we learn from one another, develop innovative solutions and share tactics to champion immunization across all levels of government,” said Devendra Prasad Gnawali, Ph.D. senior programme officer in Cambodia, Nepal and Sri Lanka. “Nepal’s innovative approach to immunization financing through legislation could serve as a model for other countries seeking sustainable solutions, just as Nepal’s leaders have learned from our counterparts in the SIF programme,” he continued.

Other countries that participated in the colloquium include Armenia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam

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